nipah niv virus Infection dont panic and get your facts right

Nipah (NiV) Virus Infection – Don’t Panic and Get Your Facts...

What is Nipah Virus? Nipah virus (NiV) is a newly emerging virus that originally infected animals but can cause disease in humans as well. In...

Researchers Say They’ve Found 1st COVID-19 Reinfection Case in Hong Kong

The New York Times has published the case of a 33-year-old Hong Kong man who got infected by the novel coronavirus a second time....
excessive belly fat may create trouble in surgery

Excessive belly fat may create trouble in surgery

A study found that excessive belly fat leads to the risk of complication and death after the emergency surgery. Researchers included 600 patients who...
patient of rheumatoid arthritis are at higher risk of copd

Patient of rheumatoid arthritis are at higher risk of COPD

Rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease in which the immune system of the body starts attacking healthy cells in the body. This results in inflammation,...
weed makes some people more attentive and focusedscientists cant explain why

Weed Makes Some People More Attentive and Focused—Scientists Can’t Explain Why

Some studies say that weed mars our thinking ability, capability to organize and pay attention. And generally, it is not related to motivation, drive,...
stomach viruse

Why Stomach Viruses Are More Potent, Answers New Research

Researchers have recently discovered the secret weapon of stomach viruses and that why these spread so fast. The findings can help treat and even...
Breakthrough Trial Suggests Cure for Baldness May Be on the Way

Breakthrough Trial Suggests Cure for Baldness May Be on the Way

Some men may find one fine day that the strong hairline that they donned in their twenties has been flinching impetuously towards the back...
increased water intake lowers risk of uti

Increased water intake lowers risk of UTI

Researchers believe that women can lessen their risk of getting urinary tract infections (UTI) by consuming 1.5 liters of water daily. Does the water...
five effective ways to handle work anxiety

Five effective ways to handle work anxiety

Anxiety is a very common disorder today and it increases with the increase in lifestyle imbalances. At office, when you are anxious about some...
moderate or even low alcohol consumption can ruin your sleep

Moderate or Even Low Alcohol Consumption Can Ruin Your Sleep

While you would be well aware of all those unwelcoming health consequences of alcohol, you might be, until now, oblivious to the fact that...
More About Camel's Milk- Your Dose of Strength and Beauty

More About Camel’s Milk- Your Dose of Strength and Beauty

A lot of people can't digest cow's milk because of lactose intolerance, which results in sensitivities to various foods. This happens as there is...
an nih study suggests pregnancy diets

An NIH study suggests pregnancy diets with high amount of refined...

A study conducted by the National Institute of Health (NIH) showed that children born to women, who had gestational diabetes and included large amount...

Desk jobs not good for heart

Working continuously for long hours while sitting on your office chair is not good for your heart. Studies have claimed that sedentary lifestyle raises...
researchers say heart surgery turns out to be safer in the afternoon

Researchers say heart surgery turns out to be safer in the...

Patients who go through heart surgery in the afternoon are less prone to fatal complications than the patients who undergo the surgery in the...

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