Deepak Chopra Bio

Deepak Chopra, American Author and Advocate of Alternative Medicine

Deepak Chopra, MD, is a renowned pioneer in personal transformation and integrative medicine. He is the founder of the Chopra Foundation. Moreover, he is a popular...
Dr. Andrew Weil Bio

Dr. Andrew Weil, MD, Pioneer of Integrative Medicine

Dr. Andrew Weil (M.D.) is a pioneer and world-recognized leader in the integrative medicine field. This field focuses on a holistic healing approach to...
10 Early Symptoms and Signs to Recognize Alzheimer's Disease

10 Early Symptoms and Signs to Recognize Alzheimer’s Disease

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 5 million people are living with Alzheimer's disease in the U.S. The...
How to Get Rid of Mobile Addiction?

How to Get Rid of Mobile Addiction?

Mobile phones have really made our lives easy, revolutionizing the way we work and connect with the world. There was a time when there...
Suicide and Some Common Myths

Suicide and Some Common Myths

Suicide, a situation when a person kills themselves because they can't take it anymore. But, is it that simple? Is this how a person...
Healthy and Tasty: Winter Immunitea Elixir Recipe by Kimberly Snyder

Healthy and Tasty: Winter Immunitea Elixir Recipe by Kimberly Snyder

Kimberly Snyder is back with another refreshing and calming recipe. The Winter Immunitea Elixir Recipe has a calming effect on the nervous system. Keeping...
Skincare tips for oily skin by Dr. Harold Lancer

Skincare Tips for Oily Skin by Dr. Harold Lancer

Each skin type has its own challenges but having oily skin can be very frustrating. It is hard to control oily skin because of...
Revealing the Truth about Weight Gain: Kimberly Snyder Busting the Myths About 'Fat' and 'Sugar'

Revealing the Truth about Weight Gain: Kimberly Snyder Busting the Myths...

There seems to be a lot of confusion among people regarding the relation between weight gain and consumption of fat and sugar. These two...
Tips for a Successful Pregnancy Experience

Tips for a Successful Pregnancy Experience

Preparing for becoming new parents? Well, here are a few tips by Dr. Phil McGraw on how to lay the foundation for a successful...
Tips to Reduce Your Sleep Quota and Increase Quality of Sleep

Tips to Reduce Your Sleep Quota and Increase Quality of Sleep

Sleep is the servicing time for a body to get rid of impurities and to repair the damage at the levels- energy level and...
Skin care tips to prevent acne breakouts due to your workout regimen

Skin care tips to prevent acne breakouts due to your workout...

Do you experience frequent acne breakouts due to working out regularly? Well, it is not something that only you are experiencing; you are among...
Tips for healthier and happier skin

Tips for healthier and happier skin

Every skin type needs something different or a little extra care than the other skin types. There are certain general skincare tips which can...
The Concept of Real Health: Balance the Inside Energies

The Concept of Real Health: Balance the Inside Energies

It is a common belief that if we are not suffering from any disease, we are healthy. But, is it true? Is being medically...
Tips for Coping with Chemotherapy

Tips for Coping with Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is generally used for the treatment of cancer. It involves use of certain drugs that can slow down or stop the growth of...

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