how the mediterranean diet helps you lose weight gain energy and live longer

How the Mediterranean Diet Helps You Lose Weight, Gain Energy and...

Mediterranean diet is making headlines every other week. The reason might surprise you. The researchers are discovering various reasons to encourage people for implementing...
women taking antidepressants must know their long-term effects

Women Taking Antidepressants Must Know Their Long-Term Effects

Millions of women are suffering from depression these days. Women are more likely to suffer from depression than men, due to certain biological, social,...
Downsides of Having Too Much of Apple Cider Vinegar

Downsides of Having Too Much of Apple Cider Vinegar

People sprinkle it on their salads, some even use it for bathing. Internet is full of its benefits but is apple cider vinegar (ACV)...
know how to curb your carb cravings

Hunger Pains – Causes, Symptoms and Cure

Hunger pains or hunger pang is a natural reaction of the body, through which it signals an empty stomach. This leads to a sensation...

How Cucumbers Can Help You Lose Weight?

Cucumbers are not just great for your overall health but they help in weight loss too. They have plenty of nutrients, including vitamin K...

7 Effective Ways To Reduce Work Stress

Most of us face work-related stress almost on a regular basis. Unfortunately, the number of people experiencing work stress have increased drastically in the...
dangers associated with belly fat how to get rid of It

Dangers Associated with Belly Fat – How to Get Rid of...

Most of the men who have a bulging belly know they don't appear that great. But, there is a lot to it than just...
Side effects of melatonin

10 Unknown Side Effects of Melatonin

Melatonin is a hormone that occurs naturally in our body and is responsible for promoting sleep. Since it has a natural calm and sedating...
early signs of thyroid

10 Little-Known Early Signs of Thyroid Disease

The thyroid hormone is a butterfly-shaped largest endocrine gland present in our body which plays a major role in energy, metabolism, growth, and the...
6 notable points for choosing the best vitamins for your kids

6 Notable Points for Choosing the Best Vitamins for Your Kids

Present era of modernization has brought in lots of trends. From little kids to frail old people, everyone is popping pills to thrive. Well,...
complete and incomplete proteins – the quality of food matters

Complete and Incomplete Proteins – The Quality of Food Matters

If you like eating quinoa or chia seeds, you may know that they represent complete proteins which means they contain all nine essential amino...
why losing weight after 40 is difficult and what to do about it

Why Losing Weight After 40 Is Difficult and What to Do...

Many well-toned actresses accept that losing weight after turning 40 is rather difficult and demanding. Charlize Theron is one such actress, who gained over...
is iced tea as healthy as you think

Is Iced Tea As Healthy As You Think?

Having iced tea on a hot, sultry summer day is simply heavenly. And, most of you would agree to this. If reports are to...

7 Foods to Prevent Enlarged Prostate

Around half of the men above the age of 50 years complain of enlarged prostate or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) as per the National...

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