snake venom could help treat heart patients research suggests

Snake venom could help treat heart patients, research suggests

A new study might upgrade the status of poisonous snakes since it claims that pit vipers could help treat heart patients. In the experiment,...
hepatitis a outbreak in utah 95 cases reported

Hepatitis A outbreak in Utah; 95 cases reported

According to the latest report of Utah Department of Health, hepatitis A has hit the whole state. The outbreak resulted in the hospitalization of...
taking care of your combination skin tips that really work

Taking Care of Your Combination Skin – Tips That Really Work

By combination skin, we mean that you get to enjoy two types of skin in your lifetime. In simpler terms, it means that some...
The Scary New Reason to Avoid Ticks: Have Hit Amost Half of the U.S.

The Scary New Reason to Avoid Ticks: Have Hit Amost Half...

A new tick species has come in the U.S. and it carries daunting diseases, suggests a new study . The Asian Long-Horned Tick known...
green tea may have cure for alzheimers heart disease and stroke

Green Tea May Have Cure for Alzheimer’s, Heart Disease and Stroke

A newly discovered compound in green tea is thought to possess amazing properties for curing Alzheimer's disease or preventing heart disease. The amazing health benefits...
fmri to identify people with suicidal tendencies

fMRI to identify people with suicidal tendencies

Brain Imaging can now tell if people have suicidal tendencies. This can help us know about people, who are at a high risk of...
stomach viruse

Why Stomach Viruses Are More Potent, Answers New Research

Researchers have recently discovered the secret weapon of stomach viruses and that why these spread so fast. The findings can help treat and even...
hospital midwives can lower the rate of c section procedure

Hospital midwives can lower the rate of C-section procedure

Expecting mothers can lower the risk of cesarean delivery by involving a midwife. According to researchers, where midwives are involved, there is less requirement...
a new study finds frequent sexual activity may improve brain function in older adults

A new study finds frequent sexual activity may improve brain function...

According to the universities of Coventry and Oxford, more frequent sex increases the ability of the brain in older adults. Researches say that the...
artificial ovary a ray of hope to conceive after chemotherapy

Artificial Ovary – A Ray of Hope to Conceive After Chemotherapy

Artificial ovary made from human tissues and eggs have been made by the scientists in order to help women in conceiving after they undergo...
increase your chances of getting pregnant with effective ivf treatment

Increase your chances of getting pregnant with effective IVF treatment

Using fresh donor eggs instead of frozen eggs may increase the chances of healthy pregnancy through in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment; suggested by a...
price hike responsible for increased health care spending in the u.s

Price hike responsible for increased health care spending in the U.S.

A new study found that increase in the prices of health care services is one of the many reasons why spending on health services...
all about illness anxiety disorder

All about illness anxiety disorder!

Illness anxiety disorder is a mental health condition in which, a person feels that he/she has developed some illness, when in reality, there may...
upsurge in self harming behavior among teenage girls british study suggests

Upsurge in self-harming behavior among teenage girls, British study suggests

A recent UK-based studies found that self-harming behavior are more prominent in teenage girls than boys and there is a constant rise in this...

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