obesity linked to newly discovered mutation in gene offering new possibilities for treatment

Obesity linked to newly discovered mutation in gene, offering new possibilities...

A research led by scientists at Imperial College, London led to the discovery of mutations in a gene related to obesity. This will offer...

Eating late at night increases risk for obesity and diabetes

During the past few decades, sleeping pattern of people have undergone drastic changes due to busy schedules. Eating late at night and sleeping late...
Teenager Injects Himself With DNA translations of Quran and Bible

Teenager Injects Himself With DNA translations of Quran and Bible

The unabating technological march has made it possible to do various interesting things to the bodies but injecting harmful DNA just to see what...

Desk jobs not good for heart

Working continuously for long hours while sitting on your office chair is not good for your heart. Studies have claimed that sedentary lifestyle raises...
effectively manage rheumatoid arthritis with diet

Effectively manage rheumatoid arthritis with diet

Have you lately been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA)? If yes, you are at the right place. Drink a cup of green tea and...
race for energy brain beats muscles

Race for energy; brain beats muscles

A recent research reported that when both brain and muscles are competing for the energy then the brain gets the preference. The researchers at a...

Loneliness – Problem Affecting Kids and Adults

Loneliness is not a not a new topic of discussion as it affects most of us at some point of life. Nowadays it is...
hospital midwives can lower the rate of c section procedure

Hospital midwives can lower the rate of C-section procedure

Expecting mothers can lower the risk of cesarean delivery by involving a midwife. According to researchers, where midwives are involved, there is less requirement...
Dining with Food Allergies: How to Have A Safe Experience

Dining with Food Allergies: How to Have A Safe Experience

When you have acute food allergies, it becomes difficult to dine out at a restaurant as eating out would mean that you are risking...
Face Shields and Masks With Valves Ineffective Against Coronavirus

Face Shields and Masks With Valves Ineffective Against Coronavirus

The entire world is facing the threat of COVID-19 and the number of people affected by the disease has reached tens of millions. Govts...

Mouthwashes may reduce the transmission of Coronavirus

Can using a mouthwash reduce the risk of COVID transmission? The study being undertaken by scientists around the world have found that Sars-Cov-2 viruses...
gut bacteria precision manipulation possible through seaweed diet

Gut Bacteria Precision Manipulation Possible Through Seaweed Diet

Researchers are working to develop techniques in order to manipulate the bacteria living inside the human gut for the benefit of mankind. However, this...
eat healthy now to stay fit in old age

Eat healthy now to stay fit in old age

A research suggests that to stay healthy in the old age, one should start a healthy diet right from today. Basically, an observational study,...
do people have some special affection for junk food u.s

Do people have some special affection for junk food?

A study proved that images of junk foods apparently, grab more attention than healthy foods. However, this affection reduces once a person tastes that...

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