compulsive sexual behavior

Compulsive Sexual Behavior – A Mental Disorder, According to WHO

Compulsive sexual behavior which is also known as sex addiction, hypersexual disorder, sexual addiction and hypersexuality, is now classified as a mental disorder on...
Is Stress Causing Your Hair Fall

Is Stress Causing Your Hair Fall

Everyone feels stressed from time to time. The ups and downs of life, personal and professional demands, illnesses can take a toll on a...
9 Signs of Illness Written All Over Your Face

9 Signs of Illness Written All Over Your Face

When a doctor examines you, what does he look at? Don't you think your facial foible gives away if there is something wrong or...

WHO Reiterates Coronavirus Does not Spread via Food

Currently, there is no evidence to suggest that handling food or consuming food is associated with COVID-19 infection. World Health Organization (WHO) reiterated its...
how sitting for longer not only effects your hips but also your brain

How Sitting for Longer Not Only Effects Your Hips But Also...

Our body is designed for continuous movement, but many people end up their day sitting for longer periods of time. Sitting in front of...
fasting diets can increase the risk of diabetes research finds

Fasting Diets Can Increase the Risk of Diabetes, Research Finds

Fasting to lose weight may have some serious side effects. This has been found by a group of scientists addressing the annual meeting of...
researchers discover link between diabetes and cancer

Researchers Discover Link between Diabetes and Cancer

The fact that there is a relation between diabetes and cancer is not a new idea. However, it has never been confirmed. But, a...

Plastic, Plastic Everywhere: On Land, in Water and Now Even in...

A study issued in “Environmental Science and Technology” sampled salt brands globally and found that there are microplastics in 92% of them. The problem of...
How Screen Time Affects Your Child's Brain?

How Screen Time Affects Your Child’s Brain?

Results from a large scale study indicate that children's brain, cognition and learning get affected with time spent infront of the screen. These days kids...
wearing goggles can protect your eyes from covid-19

Wearing a mask can affect our eyes, Report says

Due to the Corona pandemic, almost everyone is wearing a mask fearing an infection. While this protective measure is essential to combat COVID-19’s spread,...
ketogenic diet

Ketogenic Diet May Increase Type 2 Diabetes Risk, Recent Study Warns

Commonly known as keto diet, ketogenic diet, which involves eating very less amounts of carbohydrates and high amounts of fat, may significantly increase your...
does fast food reduce your chances of getting pregnant

Does Fast Food Reduce Your Chances Of Getting Pregnant?

According to a study, women, who are frequent fast-food eaters, but do not eat fruits, are more likely to face issues related to conceiving. The...
recounting the amazing journey of yoga on International yoga day

Recounting The Amazing Journey of Yoga on International Yoga Day 2018

As rainbow colored yoga mats are ready to be unfurled across the globe on the International Day of Yoga, here we will let you...
vitamin D

Studies Puts Forth New Health Benefits of Vitamin D

With myriads of studies highlighting benefits of vitamin D, nor known to us earlier, the sunshine vitamin is a trending topic these days. However,...

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