no signs of arthritis in the famous clone sheep dolly reports say

No signs of arthritis in the famous clone sheep ‘Dolly’, reports...

According to a recent research, Dolly the sheep didn’t show any early symptoms of osteoarthritis. It was a matter of concern for a longer...
price hike responsible for increased health care spending in the u.s

Price hike responsible for increased health care spending in the U.S.

A new study found that increase in the prices of health care services is one of the many reasons why spending on health services...

World’s First Blood Test to detect Early Stage Skin Cancer Developed

Australian scientists have developed world's first blood test that can detect skin cancer before it spreads in the body. This will help in early...
ppis increase risk of stomach cancer

PPIs increase risk of stomach cancer

Proton pump inhibitors (PPPIs) or heartburn and acid reflux drugs are widely used medicines across the world. However, a new study suggested that these...
brain tumors symptoms and treatment

Brain tumors – Symptoms and treatment

A tumor in the brain is quite different from tumors in other parts of the body. This is because the skull is limited in...
increased water intake lowers risk of uti

Increased water intake lowers risk of UTI

Researchers believe that women can lessen their risk of getting urinary tract infections (UTI) by consuming 1.5 liters of water daily. Does the water...

Breastfeeding for two to four months may lower the SIDS risk...

SIDS is an unexplained death syndrome among one year or less than one-year children, usually during sleep and this is known as sudden infant...
Alpha-gal: What Makes People Allergic to Meat

What Makes People Allergic to Meat?

There are people who cannot eat pork or beef, eat cheese or drink milk or snack on dessert containing gelatine without their blood pressures...
researchers from the university of surrey find milk alternative drinks cause iodine deficiency

Researchers from the University of Surrey find milk-alternative drinks cause iodine...

Milk alternative drinks refer to beverages containing soy, almond, coconut, oat, rice, hazelnut hemp etc. and other products available in the market for infants...
surprisingly toothpaste may protect you against lung disease

Surprisingly, Toothpaste May Protect You Against Lung Disease

Your toothpaste can fight against lung disease. An antibacterial substance in toothpaste may prevent severe lung disease. A study conducted by the Michigan State...
Get back in shape with Pilates

Get back in shape with Pilates

Pilates is a mind-body workout that can make a positive difference to your health. This fitness method was developed by Joseph Pilates, a German...
transgenders more likely to have suicidal thoughts

Transgenders more likely to have suicidal thoughts

Of late, researchers examined data of nearly 9,00,000 students from high schools in California and found that 35% students of transgenders accepted of having...
low levels of testosterone in men linked to less chances of getting prostate cancer

Low levels of testosterone in men linked to less chances of...

According to a latest research, men with low levels of testosterone have less likelihood for the development of prostate cancer. This study was conducted...
Ivermectin drug

Ivermectin Drug Shows Unexpected Results Against Coronavirus

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered virus. This infection has created a pandemic with almost all countries affected...

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