Health News

Latest medical news and research taken place in the medical field all around the world. Keen eye for popular health-related topics and expert guidelines.

These Diseases Can Be Detected Through Smell

Body odor could mean you have a disease. Researchers have found that certain illnesses including cancer, Parkinson's disease, and multiple sclerosis, give particular odors,...
new research explains how uv rays cause skin cancer

New research explains how UV rays cause skin cancer

Researchers can now finally explain how UV rays can set off skin cancer. A team from Cornell University found that when melanocyte stem cells...
Heart disease and diabetes

Exploring the Relation between Heart Disease and Diabetes in women

In the United States, heart disease is the leading cause of death for women and it is high time people understood the risks hovering...
know how to prevent foodborne illness

Know How to Prevent Foodborne Illness

The Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) says that around 16% of Americans or a whopping 48 million of them fall sick from foodborne...
recounting the amazing journey of yoga on International yoga day

Recounting The Amazing Journey of Yoga on International Yoga Day 2018

As rainbow colored yoga mats are ready to be unfurled across the globe on the International Day of Yoga, here we will let you...
ppis increase risk of stomach cancer

PPIs increase risk of stomach cancer

Proton pump inhibitors (PPPIs) or heartburn and acid reflux drugs are widely used medicines across the world. However, a new study suggested that these...

Recognizing 10 Hidden Symptoms of Walking Pneumonia

Walking pneumonia is a more frequently used layman term for the atypical type of pneumonia. Even though pneumonia is a highly discomforting condition, the...
know how coffee can affect your anxiety level

Know How Coffee Can Affect Your Anxiety Level

If your cup of coffee, each morning, helps you function like a human being throughout the week; you are not alone. Around 64% of...

Shocking find – Herpes Virus Might be Responsible for Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer's disease is a mystery for the doctors as well as the researchers but a new evidence suggests that we might have a lead...
brain tumors symptoms and treatment

Brain tumors – Symptoms and treatment

A tumor in the brain is quite different from tumors in other parts of the body. This is because the skull is limited in...
how sitting for longer not only effects your hips but also your brain

How Sitting for Longer Not Only Effects Your Hips But Also...

Our body is designed for continuous movement, but many people end up their day sitting for longer periods of time. Sitting in front of...
normal aging a reality or misconception

‘Normal’ Aging – A Reality or Misconception?

Aging is something that we all have to face but not many of us understand much about it. We can make a list of...
castor oil

Surprising Hair Growth Benefits of Castor Oil

Castor oil has become more and more popular among beauty enthusiasts as they started using and praising its amazing hair growth benefits in recent...
surprising health benefits of sex

7 Surprising Health Benefits of Sex

Well, sex is plain awesome. Apart from the fact that it lets you feels amazing, it helps build an intimate bond with our partners....

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