Doctors and many health experts assert that the way you sleep might actually lead to several health issues. But, there is nothing alarming about that! And, all you need is to just take care of a few things while enjoying your favorite sleep positions.
Here, we have listed recommendations from experts that you can follow to sleep in your preferred position without ruining your health:
A. If You Sleep On Your Side
Scientists have discovered that if you sleep on your side, it helps remove toxins from your cerebrospinal fluid. This also helps in decreasing headaches and the risks of developing Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases.
Also, if you sleep on your left side, you reduce your chances of developing heartburn but put pressure on your liver. As per a n Australian study, pillow use can go a long way in managing cervical stiffness, scapular pain and headache. [1]
1. If You Have digestive Problems
If you regularly suffer from digestive issues, you should try to sleep on your left side. This will help improve blood circulation and relieve pressure on the gullet and stomach.
2. If You Have Joint Pain
To get relief from joint pain, put a hard and small pillow between your legs while sleeping on your side. This will help release the pressure on your joints. Use a big and soft pillow under your head.
3. If You Have Hypertension
In order to keep a check on your blood circulation, you should try to sleep on your right side as this will decrease the pressure on your heart.
B. If You Sleep On Your Back
Sleeping on your back is the best way to take care of your spinal and joint issues. This position will also help you manage heartburn and prevent wrinkles. However, you should not adopt this sleeping position if you have high blood pressure, nose problems or snore.
1. If You Snore
If you snore while sleeping, try to use a plump pillow or a small pillow under your neck pillow, so that your upper air passages remain in the correct position.
2. If You Have Runny Nose
In order to sleep peacefully while suffering from conditions like flu or runny nose, use a couple of pillows to keep your head elevated. This will not allow the mucus to stay in your sinuses. However, your head elevation should not be too high that it strains your neck.
3. If You Have Joint and Back Pain
Use a big pillow under your knees, a small pillow under your head and a twisted towel under your lower back to give appropriate support to spinal cord and promote normal blood flow.
C. If You Sleep On Your Stomach
As per Japanese scientists, sleeping on your stomach helps you lower blood pressure, improve digestion, prevent snoring and avoid heartburn.
1. If You Have Lower Back Pain
In order to relieve the pressure on your lower back and to prevent excessive bending of your spinal column during sleep, put a small pillow under your stomach and pelvis. Pillow under your head should be flat or can be totally avoided in order to prevent neck strain.
2. If You Sleep In Fetal Position
Fetal position is quite comfortable in which, your knees are raised up to your chin, but it can exert a lot of pressure on your back. Such a curved position of spine limits breathing through diaphragm. Moreover, this position is not recommended for people, who have breathing disorders like asthma. However, it will help prevent snoring.
3. If You Have Breathing Trouble
While sleeping in a fetal position, your back becomes curved and to avoid it, try to keep your legs and arms in correct position. Make sure your chest is free. To do so, keep a big, soft pillow between the legs and one more between the elbows. Experts recommend using a small but puffy pillow under your head to give support to your neck.
By taking care of the above-mentioned points, you can easily make your sleep more peaceful and healthy. Incorporate these in your daily sleep practice to enjoy a safe and sound sleep.
joint pain, spinal pain snoring and others. Read on to find more.