Health News

Latest medical news and research taken place in the medical field all around the world. Keen eye for popular health-related topics and expert guidelines.

acupuncture doesnt boost fertility a study finds

Acupuncture Doesn’t Boost Fertility, a Study Finds

Although many women might have tried acupuncture hoping it would help them conceive, a new study suggests it doesn’t. The researchers compared the treatment...

Novel siRNA-Based Technique Can Convert Cancer Cells into Normal Ones

Cancer cells are abnormally dividing cells that have the capability of spreading throughout the body and cause havoc. They are excessively mischievous and can...
what you eat can affect the size of your brain

What You Eat Can Affect The Size of Your Brain

Does your diet affect the size of your brain? According to a latest study, the brain volumes of people is larger in those, who...
not using phone after 10 pm can contribute to better mood

Not Using Phone After 10 PM Can Contribute to Better Mood

If you are fidgeting with your phone beyond 10 pm, you may be inviting mental health troubles like mood disorders, a new research claims. According...

7 Proven Fat-Burning Foods Help Build Your Muscle Mass

If you want to boost your metabolism, gym is not the only place you need to hit. Taking care of nutrition is an easier...

Healthy Mind, Healthy Body 9 Foods to Improve Your Mental Health

The Mental Health Month is right here. We need to spread awareness and break the stigmas associated with mental health conditions. It's good time...

Broccoli – The Secret to Building a Healthy Body

Broccoli can do wonders in making you healthier. And this news is for you if you do not eat enough vegetables. If a doctor...

Know How Breathing Exercise and Mindfulness Keep the Brain Young

Everyone, from non-yogis to long-term meditators and yogis, swear by the benefits of meditation in developing focus. While till date, they had no scientific...

The Scary Side of Being a Night Owl

Are you a night owl too like many others these days? We will surely help you out. When you pull an all-nighter, doesn't it strike your...

Pranayama – A Yoga Breathing Exercise That Can Act As a...

Meditation and ancient yoga breathing exercises like pranayama, may act like a brain fertilizer, and improves our ability to focus on tasks, according to...
breast milk helps stave off bacterial infections in babies

Breast Milk Helps Stave Off Bacterial Infections in Babies

When the baby is in the mother's womb, it is shielded by the amniotic fluid and the womb also offers protection from the outside...

4 Anti-Inflammatory Foods to Curb Cravings and Prevent Weight Gain

No, we are not saying that you should not relish your favorite foods. But, the important thing is that you must eat healthy anti-inflammatory...

Health Benefits of Hummus – Reasons to Have It Almost Daily

As per the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the sales of hummus have skyrocketed from less than 10 million USD to 700-800 million USD. Around...

8 Collagen-Rich Superfoods to Improve Skin Elasticity And Wipe Years Off...

Our food habits play a vital role in our overall well-being. But when it comes to improving skin health, we need to include a...

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