Preparing for becoming new parents? Well, here are a few tips by Dr. Phil McGraw on how to lay the foundation for a successful pregnancy period that will lead to being great parents. Also learn the major mistakes parents make which might lead their child’s life in jeopardy.
- Set realistic expectancies: Having unrealistic expectancies leads people into despair and disappointment. What you might think will happen is mostly different from what actually happens. So, it is important to have realistic expectations. The best part is that you are beginning to enter the most joyful and important part of your life. You would have started noticing behavioral and attitudinal changes by accepting being parents. The joy of having a baby outweighs all the sacrifices by a thousand times.
- Be prepared for the change: You as parents must be prepared for the big change in your life and also plan the things you need to do. It is important to equally involve the father in the process as well. The baby might look like a bear with his/her boxing gloves on, but you must be able to change the diaper as and when required. The dads must also learn how to change diapers. Together, both of you can enjoy the simple joys of being parents.
- Be patient: Expectant mothers go through many different emotions due to hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy. Would-be-mothers might also find it hard to accept the body changes. It is important to change how you perceive your body image. There would be a significant weight gain during pregnancy, as it is also important to support the developing fetus inside. Several researches have already proved how physical exercise help pregnant women to prevent postpartum depression. You can indulge in yoga, low impact cardio and light weight training during pregnancy. These also help in regaining your shape after delivery by losing the excess pounds gained.
- Make a unified effort: To-be-parents must together go through all ups and downs during pregnancy. Having a unified spirit can make all the difference. Plan the addition of baby in your family and also negotiate on what can be his/her name. It will be quite fun to negotiate on name options.
And the most important part is to maintain the relationship between both of you, even after becoming parents. As the friction between you both will deeply impact the child in the long run and will put his/her future in jeopardy. Remember that the child joined you and not you both joined his/her life. Continue being friends and lovers even after becoming parents. Nurture the bond you both share, spend time with each other, so that the child looks up to you and has a great future ahead.