Toxins You Can Avoid by Going Organic

Toxins You Can Avoid by Going Organic

These days, people choose wild fish and organic meats over the ones that are grown using antibiotics and hormones, and fed with genetically engineered stuffs, rich in toxic chemicals. This is because, we are now pretty much aware of the hazards associated with the consumption of chemically treated or genetically modified foods.

However, these foods are cheaper than the organic ones and this might bother you to some extent. But, does that really matter when it comes to your very own health and wellbeing?

The ingredients used in such foods are toxic and their long-term consumption may lead to heart diseases and cancer. Moreover, these foods can hamper your metabolism, resulting in digestive issues. Obesity can be another detrimental consequence of regular intake of such foods as the body begins to produce and store more fat cells. So, keeping oneself away from these chemical-rich food is always a great idea.

Here, Jillian Michaels discusses about some chemicals and toxins that one must avoid in meat and fish:

Growth Hormones

Cattle that are raised conventionally, are generally fed with artificial hormones like rBST and rBGH. This increases their size and prepare them for slaughter at a faster rate. Studies suggest that when we eat this meat, we indirectly consume these hormones that may cause obesity and even early puberty.


Farm-raised fish and livestock cattle, including poultry, are profusely fed with antibiotics to prevent them from infection and diseases. These antibiotics also boosts their growth, quickly turning them fat and ready to slaughter. The meat from these cattle contains antibiotics which when consumed may lead to weight gain.

The antibiotics present in such food also kill the good bacteria in our gut, which helps absorb nutrients like vitamins and minerals as well as increases our resistance against antibiotics. Moreover, these antibiotics can contribute to the human hazard of superbugs like MRSA that are nearly untreatable. Always remember to look for the label ”wild-caught” on fish products as this indicates that the products are completely devoid of antibiotics.

Sodium Nitrites and Nitrates

These are food additives, used as preservatives. These are also used as a coloring and flavoring agent in bacon, hot dogs, smoked fish and other processed meats.

When consumed, these additives form compounds in our body and enter the bloodstream and make their way to different body parts. This eventually damages our liver as well as pancreas, a gland responsible for producing insulin hormone. Insulin has a crucial role in successful weight management.


Mercury is a heavy metal, usually exposed to our environment as a byproduct of the manufacturing sector. Mercury go into the air we breathe and into water bodies, where it is absorbed by fishes and other aquatic beings.

If mercury is consumed in excess, then it may adversely affect the brain and kidneys. This toxin is very harmful, especially for pregnant women. Some rapacious fishes like shark, may gather more mercury than others. So, it is best to avoid eating them. Wild-caught salmon, tuna, grouper and other similar fishes are any day a better option to fulfill the required dose of omega-3 fatty acids.

Jillian Michaels advices that we should eat less meat as this will not just be cost effective, but also do some good to our environment, regardless of quality of the meat. She further adds that we should limit our animal protein consumption and include more of healthy vegetables in our diet.

So, the next time when you are out to purchase meat, make sure that it must be ethically raised or sourced and completely free of all the toxins discussed above.