
A Complete Guide on Panic Attack and Its Necessary Prevention

Panic attack and their instances have been associated with the act of fluctuating mental health which is stung by the fear of doom, destruction, and danger. Even though panic attacks are not necessarily life-threatening, still there consistent recurring can lead to absolute disruption of mental order and personal life.

It won’t be wrong to state that the present world order scenario is a perfect storm for the possibility of an epidemic of mental distress and disorder furnishing millions of people with adulterated mental performance leading to a contagion of panic attack disaster.

However, don’t be worried because we have prepared for you a comprehensive panic attack guide which will help you recognize the symptoms of a panic attack with possible complications and preventions.


Symptom 1 – Irregular heartbeat or violent heart palpitations

Even though an occasional miss of a heartbeat is not that big of an issue, but the consistent irregular throbbing and palpitations can be the active signs of a severe panic attack. Aggressive heart palpitations are the most common panic attack symptom and as a result, several panic disorder patients misunderstand a possible panic attack as a lethal, and dangerous heart attack consequently leading to an acute discomforting of elevated anxiety levels which can result in more panic attacks.

Hence, it becomes exceedingly important to know the difference between the two, and even during a panic attack, proper regulation should be made to avert a possible cardiac arrest. Lowering of the breathing rate is one such precaution that can help you get a leash on your pounding heartbeat, and even anxiety medication can also be taken.

Symptom 2 – Chest Pain

A symptom that is directly linked to heart palpitations, discomforting sensation in chest with possible stiffness conflated with heart palpitations are not activators of a heart attack. Even though the pain can be quite unbearable, it can still be treated with a calmer breathing cycle and some rest.

Although it’s a temporary ordeal, if someone experiences recurring episodes then they should seek proper medical guidance followed by a thorough check-up and possible treatment.

Symptom 3 – Excessive Sweating

Excessive sweating is triggered by elevated secretion of adrenal hormones, an active response of your body during situations of overt anxiety and stress levels. Adrenaline’s primary function consists of preparing your body during a conflict or a fight.

Excessive sweating should not be mistaken as a symptom for possible heart attacks, and one should drink a lot of water after sweating as it can cause dehydration, however, that’s as far as the damage of sweating will go, and one should not be worried.


Symptom 4 – Violent Shaking or Trembling

Violent shaking or trembling is triggered by increased adrenaline levels, and are symptoms of a panic attack. Mostly preparing your hands, fists, and legs for a required situation, shaking mostly supports your mind reflexes by getting your body prepared for a possible fight or any other physical activity. One can always get rid of shaking by a jumbo glass of water and some rest.

Symptom 5 – Feeling of Constant Dizziness or Fainting

Due to the additional breathing during the panic attack, an individual seems to get overtired and exhausted which leads to a feeling of dizziness or in some cases fainting.

However, this is not a harbinger for any acute health condition, it’s just your body’s response to drained energy levels and stress. Elevated stress levels for longer periods of time can cut the supply of proper energy production consequently leading to fainting.

Always remember to look for a comfortable surface whilst experiencing fainting feelings to avert any possible head injuries.

Symptom 6 – Hypersensitivity

One major discomfort that can be associated with a panic attack is hypersensitivity, a panic attack works like a bucket of cold water on your senses making them additionally sensitive and responsive. This overcharged exploit on your senses can lead to a number of discomforts, such as hearing difficulties visual distortions.
An individual can be better prepared for hypersensitivity past a panic attack by knowing that it will happen, and can keep his mind-controlled and focused.

Symptom 7 – Rough Skin and Rashes

Due to an exaggerated stress hormone activity leading to an elevated production of cortisol hormone, the body gets filled with an additional amount of oil which then causes rashes on different parts of the body. Skin rashes are also triggered by the action of the immune system trying to cope up with high anxiety levels. Patience is key during such situations and medical care should be taken during excessive discomfort.

Symptom 8 – Pins and Needles Sensation

A sensation of pins and needles being put inside one’s body are the active symptoms of an attack caused by panic. The sensation is mostly limited to some special parts of the body like the palms of the feet, but in some cases, numbness or tingling can be experienced throughout the whole body. In a few cases, the numbness is also followed by a burning sensation.

These sensations are possible results of excessive breathing which is usually triggered during the time of panic attacks, and like all other previous panic attack symptoms, can be braided with slow breathing and resting.

Symptom 9 – Extremely Dry Mouth

Popularly known as the cottonmouth situation, this symptom is also activated with the excessive breathing rate, as during a panic attack, an individual uses both the nose and the mouth to fulfill the high breathing requirements which in turn results in a very dry mouth.

Also with the elevated anxiety levels for longer periods results in less production of saliva which can furnish your mouth with additional dryness. Keep up your water intake to avoid any cottonmouth symptoms.

Symptom 10 – Fear of Death

The conflated result of the above-mentioned symptoms can instill the fear of death and doom in an individual’s head. A person can become extremely tensed and stressed about life and can be excessively scared.

However, as discussed above, panic attacks are harmless, and the oversecretion of hormones is tricking your mind in believing that your life is at risk. Feeling scared for your life after the first panic attack is quite normal, but a person should not be afraid for too long as fear of dying prolonged over a period of time can result in elevated anxiety levels which can consequently result in more panic attacks in the future.

Causes of a Panic Attack

Even though it’s completely clear as to what causes these attacks, however, active associations can be with these following factors…

• High-Stress Levels
• Due to genetics and inherited disorders
• Ability to not handle pressure situations

A panic attack is your body’s way of reacting to a horrific situation that charges you into a state of hypersensitive panic or terror.

Triggers of a Panic attack

Following are the triggers for panic disorder and recurring panic attacks

• High-stress levels triggered by a personal loss or tragedy

• Genetics and inherited history of panic disorder from parents

• Too much caffeine or smoking

• Childhood trauma or sexual misconduct

• A major accident, injury or sexual encounter

• Not being able to cope up with life transitions like divorce or abortion

Panic attack’s long term repercussions

Although it’s a harmless occurrence at first, repeated episodes and a careless behavior can disrupt your mental and physical life by charging you in a direction of constant panic, fear, and terror. Hence, proper medical guidance and treatment are imperative.

The following are the repercussions of a panic attack…

• Restricted social life
• Constant fear of death, and phobias
• Acute medical concerns
• Mental health problems such as depression or anxiety disorders
• Increased financial issues
• Drug or alcohol abuse
• Risk of suicide

An individual suffering from panic disorder would get socially isolated thus further deteriorating the mental condition of that individual.

Ways to prevent panic attacks

These are some important tips that will help you avoid panic attacks.

Proper medical guidance and treatment

Seek medical guidance if the episodes of panic attack become more frequent, and indulge in treatments that would further stop their occurrence

Follow the treatment plan

To completely get rid of the problem and avoid any possibility of relapse or damage.

Indulge in physical activity

Daily exercising and proper physical activity routine will help you get rid of spiked up anxiety levels.

Although a panic attack is not as lethal as a heart attack, it’s still imperative to know the difference between both to be able to immediately address the right problem with the right treatment.

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