Building muscle is important. This is because more muscle means much better metabolism. And, who does not know the importance of metabolism in keeping you lean and healthy? You can get a totally attractive body if you build muscles and curves in the right places. Having muscles will also give you strength when you hit your 60s and 70s. You may have to face a lot of obstacles if you do not have sufficient muscles or strength.
We all have heard that blending strength training in exercise routine is just so important. Hitting the gym and lifting weights may be more frightening than taking that simple walk or jog in the morning. You won’t get the results too soon, but it is essential to create a strength training routine. This will help you see observable muscle gains from a few weeks to several months.
When one performs intense exercises like lifting heavy weights, muscle fibers get injured. In other words, it can be said that muscles get traumatized. When this happens, satellite cells that are attached to muscle fibers get activated. Satellite cells repair the damage by joining together muscle fibers and increasing their size. Some hormones are also involved in muscles growth.
Asking how long does it take to build a muscular body is more like asking how long would it take to travel from one part of a country to another. Well, the answer to this question depends on the mode of transport and route to be followed. Similarly, your priorities and goals will define the time taken to build muscles. Certainly, it will vary from person to person. If someone is doing it with dedication, he/she may be able to get faster results.
It must be noted that males can develop muscles quicker than women. This is because the levels of testosterone are higher in men and their ability to produce growth hormones is comparatively more. A woman’s body does not respond is the same way as that of man. If men and women are following the same training schedule, women would be able to build muscles 2-3 times slower than men.
Muscle will build only under certain favorable conditions. If you don’t train properly, then no muscle mass may be gained. The first rule of the game is that you have to be consistent. The more consistent you are and the more the duration for which you are consistent, the faster you will gain muscle. Also, you must push your muscles hard. If your muscles don’t get tired, they won’t grow.
If you overwork your muscles and give them ample of recovery time, you can surely gain muscles.
If you really want to gain muscle mass, you must work on it religiously for about half a year to one year. Generally, people want to see immediate results. There are many advertisements claiming that you can gain crazy amount of muscle just in a month. However, this is not a practical claim. In fact, in the very first month of training, one may not gain any muscle mass. Well, it is not related to how hard you are working or the amount of protein you are consuming. The muscles must go through an initial stage during which the process of breaking and building up takes place.
At the end of the first month, an average male, who is engaged in rigorous workouts and eating well, can expect to gain 1-2 lb. This may not sound very impressive, but this is how the body works. As already stated in the beginning of the article that building muscles is all about commitment. It requires a dedicated period of six months to one year. If you continue working your muscles for about six months, you can add 6 to 12 pounds of muscles to your body. In case you are continuing beyond six months for about a year, you can gain 12 to 24 pounds. A gain of 12 pounds of muscles can result in significant gain in strength.
However, if you are planning to work out beyond your first year, you must be aware of the fact that as you become bigger, the process muscle building would slow down. Your body will not support muscle gain after a certain point . With each passing year, you may gain half as much muscle as in the previous year. For example, if you have gained 20 lb in the 1st year, you may gain just 10lb in the 2nd year and may be only 5lb in the 3rd year. The trend will continue if you keep training your muscles year after year.
Thus, it can be concluded that the time taken to build a muscular body depends on your determination, the intensity and duration of your training as well as on your muscle building goals with respect to muscle size.