These days, baldness has become a very common problem. It is generally considered as an after effect of aging and causes a lot of distress among the sufferers. Androgenetic alopecia, also known as male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness, is quite a common type of baldness.
In baldness, the hairline begins to recede. The starting point of hair loss is near the temples. Hair thinning occurs at the crown, which results in partial or full baldness in men. In women, however, this does not happen and the hair starts to fall out after getting thinner all over the head.
Baldness is a condition in which there is excessive loss of hair from the scalp. People of any age can get affected by this condition. There are different types of baldness and each has a different cause and different line of treatment.
Baldness may be confined to front or top of the head and is quite common in men. It can be even patchy, known as alopecia areata. Sometimes, the entire head is affected and is called alopecia capitis totalis.
Around 50 million men and 30 million women are affected by this condition in the U.S. As per the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), more than half of the men, aged over 50, get affected by male pattern baldness to some extent. It usually takes 10-15 years to become bald. However, some men can become bald in less than 5 years.
Causes of Baldness
Baldness could be genetic and runs in families. So, you are more likely to suffer from baldness if you have a family history of this condition. According to various researches, male pattern baldness is related to male sex hormones, known as androgen, which have an important function in regulating the growth of hair.
Hair generally grows from follicles for up to three years. Thereafter, the hair sheds and new hair starts to grow from the follicles. In baldness, the hair follicles that are affected become smaller. With the shrinkage of hair follicles, the new hair becomes thinner and fall out even before three years. This results in extremely small hair follicles with a few without any hair growth. Scientists think that genes may affect the sensitivity of hair follicles for a hormone, known as DHT, which causes them to shrink.
Home Remedies for Treating Baldness
1. Oils:
Castor Oil: Frequently massaging the scalp with castor oil activates the hair roots and enhances circulation of blood throughout the head. It also nourishes the scalp and prevents dandruff – a major reason of hair loss. For scalp massage, take 2-3 tablespoons of castor oil and heat it. Apply it gently all over your scalp, and allow it to rest overnight. Massage the scalp with this oil 3-4 times a week.
Coconut Oil: Coconut oil contains fats that help keep the scalp hydrated. Frequent use of coconut oil strengthens hair follicles and stimulates their growth. It also contains antioxidants that protect the scalp from damage. Heat 2-3 tablespoons of coconut oil and massage the scalp. Rinse it off after 4-5 hours. Repeat it at least twice a week.
Peppermint Oil: This oil has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant properties. This oil ensures thick and long hair after a few weeks of its application. Mix 3-5 drops of peppermint oil with water, and apply it on the scalp. Cover your head with a cap for nearly 30 minutes and then, rinse it off. Follow this procedure at least twice a week for better results.
Pumpkin Seed Oil: It has high concentration of carotenes, tocopherols and important nutrients that help prevent baldness. However, it is still unknown how it works. Two tablespoons, each of pumpkin oil and olive oil, are required. Mix the two and apply the mixture to the scalp.
Black Caraway (Kalonji) Oil: It is also known as black seed oil. This oil finds application in the Unani medicine for the treatment of hair loss and bald spots. It strengthens the hair follicles, leading to hair growth. Mix 1 tablespoon of kalonji oil with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Apply this blend to the scalp. After 15 minutes of application, rinse it off with a shampoo. This can be repeated every alternative day.
Tea Tree Oil: Baldness can be caused by dandruff and scalp infections. Rich in antioxidants, tea tree oil is a natural antimicrobial agent, which help nourish the hair follicles for new and better hair growth. Mix 3-4 drops of tea tree oil with a carrier oil like coconut or almond. Apply the mixture on the scalp and leave it for about an hour or so. Then, wash your hair with a shampoo.
Jojoba Oil: It is quite similar to the oil produced naturally by the skin. It is rich in vitamin E and gets easily absorbed. Take a few teaspoons of jojoba oil and massage it on the scalp and leave it for several hours. Rinse it off using a shampoo.
Olive Oil: It works by blocking hormones responsible for hair loss. Olive Oil nourishes the skin on the scalp and keeps it free from infection. Heat the oil and then apply it on the scalp. Massage properly for 4-5 minutes and then, rinse your hair.
Taramira Oil: Also known jamba oil, it has fatty acids, and bears antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. It is used as a treatment for baldness and hair loss. Take about 2-3 tablespoons of taramira oil and evenly massage the scalp with it. Leave it for 2-3 hours and then, wash it off.
Mustard Oil: Boil one cup of mustard oil. Mix it with 4 tablespoons of henna leaves. Massage the scalp particularly on bald patches. This has been shown to improve hair health and is believed to trigger hair regrowth.
Rosemary Oil: Rosemary has antiseptic properties that help in the treatment of scalp infections and dandruff. It is found that rosemary oil has antioxidant and antibacterial properties that promote hair growth. In addition to rosemary oil, safflower oil helps in strengthening hair follicles and prevent dandruff.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV):
It helps regulate the pH of the scalp and removes microbes that obstruct the growth of hair. ACV also stimulates blood circulation in the scalp, necessary for hair growth. Mix 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with water. Massage the scalp with the same for one to two minutes and rinse it off with water.
3. Aloe Vera:
This helps in removing dryness and maintaining pH levels ideal for hair growth. Apply fresh aloe vera or that bought from the store on the scalp on the strands of the hair. Let it remain for 15-20 minutes and then, rinse it off. This can be done 2-3 times a week.
4. Onion Juice:
Grate an onion and squeeze it to extract the juice. Add honey to it and mix well. Apply it on the scalp and let it remain for about half an hour. Wash your scalp with shampoo. This can be applied twice a week.
5. Ginger:
Grate a ginger and blend it with a carrier oil. Apply it on the scalp and massage for some time, i.e., 2-3 minutes. Let it rest for half an hour and rinse it off with a shampoo. Do this for twice a week for a few weeks for observable changes.
6. Fenugreek Seeds (Methi):
To prevent hair fall, application of fenugreek paste (methi) is very effective. It rejuvenates hair follicles and promotes hair growth. Add water or buttermilk to 2-4 spoons of methi powder. Apply it on the scalp and leave it for about an hour. Wash it off with a shampoo.
7. Chinese Herbs:
Herbs like Fo-ti, Ginkgo and Morus Alba are generally used to cure baldness. The mechanism of action entails increasing blood circulation in the scalp and purifying body fluids.
8. Coffee:
Researches show the effectiveness of coffee in treating alopecia or baldness. It has been found that it can enhance the growth of hair. Coffee can be consumed or can be applied as a hair mask. Mix 1 tablespoon honey, 1 tablespoon olive oil, and 2 tablespoons coffee. Apply the mixture on the scalp in the form of mask. Let it remain for 20 minutes and then, rinse it with a shampoo. This mixture can be used twice a week.
9. Egg Yolk:
Eggs, as we all know, are rich source of proteins. Protein is a must, when it comes to hair fall and growth. An egg may not smell that nice, but it is good for the hair. It gives shine and bounce to the hair. For application, separate the yolk and then, apply the remaining part on the hair follicle. Let it sit for about an hour. Use egg yolk twice a week for several weeks for noticeable outcomes.
10. Licorice Root:
It acts by countering the hormone responsible for hair loss. Prepare a mixture of turmeric and licorice powder in milk, and apply it on your scalp. Cover your head with a towel or cap, and let it sit overnight. Rinse your hair in the morning. If you want early results, repeat it thrice a week.
11. Red Gram and Pigeon Pea:
Make a thin paste by grinding together red gram and pigeon pea. Apply the paste in the area, where you notice baldness.
12. Lemon:
It is a widely used home remedy for problems related to hair, viz., hair fall, dandruff, scalp infections, dry hair and so on. To deal with baldness, a carrier oil can be mixed with lemon. Lemon juice can also be used in combination with aloe vera gel. Add a cup of lemon juice to three cups of aloe vera juice. Mix the two well and then, apply the mixture on the scalp. Let it remain for 15 minutes and thereafter, rinse it off with a shampoo.
13. Beetroot Leaves:
Boil beetroot leaves in water. When they become soft, make a mixture by grinding them. Further, add henna to the mixture. Then, apply the paste and leave for some time. Later, wash it with water.
14. Yogurt:
It is basically a natural hair conditioner. It is useful in treating baldness and hair fall. Massage your head with yogurt or simply apply yogurt to the affected area.
15. Honey:
It is one great natural remedy for hair loss and baldness. Mix one tablespoon of cinnamon powder with tablespoon of hot olive oil. Apply this mixture on the scalp. Let it remain on the scalp for 20 minutes, and then, wash it off.
16. Geranium Leaves:
These are useful in baldness. Boil the leaves in water for 10 minutes. Cool the solution and apply it to the scalp. You can even wash your head with the same.
17. Curry Leaves:
These have also been found useful in treating baldness. Boil curry leaves in a carrier oil like coconut oil. Keep it boiling until the mixture turns black. Filter it through a sieve to remove curry leaves. Use this oil to massage gently on the scalp to promote hair growth.
18. Raw Mangoes:
Soak raw mangoes in natural oil for at least a year. Then, massage the area, where pattern of baldness exists with this oil. Use it regularly to reap long-term benefits.