Hair thinning is a common problem and generally a sign that the hair is getting weak. The hair initially gets thin and finally falls down from the scalp. It is a common problem for old people. But, hair thinning at an early age need to be fixed as early as possible as it may lead to hair fall and baldness ultimately.
So, what causes hair thinning? Well, it is caused because of some common factors such as allergies, hormonal imbalance, nutritional deficiencies, or sometimes because of genetics. But, is there any solution? Yes, the treatment of hair thinning is possible. There are various modern treatment methods that can bring back the dense and thick hair back on your scalp, but they are generally expensive. So, you must be thinking about some alternate solution to treat hair thinning. Here are some effective home remedies that can treat hair thinning at home:
1. Eggs
The eggs in your refrigerator are much more than just a morning breakfast. They can be helpful in treating your hair thinning, by bringing back the naturally thick and dense hair back. This is because eggs are a rich source of protein and sulfur. The egg yolk, i.e., the yellow part inside the egg is packed with nutrients such as biotin that can enhance the growth of hair and helps in restoring the dense hair on scalp.
How to use:
- Take an egg yolk in a bowl. Add one tablespoon olive oil to it and still well to form a smooth mixture.
- Apply the mixture properly on the hair and the scalp.
- Wear a shower cap to cover your hair and leave them alone for 20 minutes.
- Now, wash your hair clean with cool water and shampoo.
- Finally, oil your hair or apply some conditioner to them.
Use this home remedy at least twice a week to resolve your hair thinning problem.
2. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera has proteolytic enzymes that can help in repairing dead skin cells. It can be essential for the growth of hair when applied on the scalp. This is because it helps in repairing the dead hair follicles, thus promoting the growth of new hair and improving the volume of hair on the head. Also, it can help in the treatment of hair related problems such as dandruff.
How to use:
- Take some aloe vera leaves and cut them in order to scoop gel out of them. Collect at least two teaspoons aloe vera gel.
- Blend the gel in order to make its texture smooth.
- Now take the gel in your hands and use it to massage your scalp.
- Massage for at least 5 minutes. Then leave the hair untouched for about 25 minutes.
- Later, wash the hair with warm water.
Use aloe vera gel on hair at least twice a week and soon the change in your hair will be visible. You can also use aloe vera juice and consume it daily to improve the growth of hair on your scalp.
3. Indian Gooseberry
Indian gooseberry is one of the most effective home remedies that can help in restoring your hair growth. This is because it is rich with antioxidants and vitamin-C. It can help in boosting the levels of collagen in body, thus helps in restoring the growth of hair on the scalp.
How to use:
- Put Indian gooseberries in a mixer to take out juice.
- Add the juice to equal parts of lime juice to make a smooth mixture.
- Apply the final mixture thoroughly on the scalp and the hair and then let it dry there.
- Later, wash the hair clean using shampoo and cool water.
Use this mixture once a week to nourish your hair. This would also help you get rid of hair thinning. Indian gooseberry can also be consumed raw and still contributes to the health of hair.
4. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is rich with nutrients that can condition your hair naturally and can also resolve a large number of problems associated with the health of hair. It contains some essential minerals such as iron and potassium that can help in preventing hair breakage. It helps in maintaining the health of scalp and prevent hair problems like dandruff.
How to use:
- Take some coconut oil in a bowl and heat it until it reaches lukewarm temperature.
- Now take the coconut oil on your fingers and use your fingertips to thoroughly massage the scalp with it.
- Massage the scalp for about 15 minutes and then apply the rest of the oil in your hair and leave your hair untouched for about 30 minutes. Also, you can keep your hair oiled overnight.
- After this, use shampoo and cool water to wash the hair clean.
Do this at least 2-3 times a week to improve your hair growth and solve all the problems associated with hair fall.
5. Green Tea
Green tea is packed with antioxidants that can help in fighting off the harmful free radical particles that inflicts damage to the skin. Also, it contains caffeine that can improve the health of the scalp and can stimulate the growth of new and dense hair.
How to use:
- Brew one cup of fresh green tea and let it cool down.
- Pour the tea in your hair and keep massaging your scalp while doing so.
- Make sure that your hair and scalp are completely sopped up with tea and leave your hair untouched for an hour.
- Later, wash your hair with lukewarm water.
Try this quick solution for the health of your hair at least 1-2 times a week and resolve all your hair problems at home.
6. Onion Juice
Onions are effective in improving the growth of hair. They help in controlling hair loss and promoting the growth of new hair on the scalp. It can get dead hair follicles back to life thus promoting the growth of healthy hair and preventing hair thinning.
How to use:
- Take one whole onion, peel it, and then cut it into small pieces.
- Put the onion pieces in a food processor to puree them. Later, use a cheesecloth to extract the juice from puree.
- Thoroughly massage your scalp and hair with the onion juice for about 5 minutes, and then leave the hair untouched for about 10 minutes.
- Now, wash your hair with shampoo and cool water or however you wish.
Use onion juice to wash your hair at least 2-3 times a week and get your shiny and thick hair growth back on your scalp.
7. Henna Leaves
Henna is effective for strengthening the hair cuticles, i.e., the outermost layer of the hair. This helps in making the hair shaft strong and thick and resolves the problem of hair thinning. Besides this, it helps in maintaining the pH of the hair scalp. Also, it conditions the hair, making them softer and provides a natural color to them, making them shinier.
How to use:
- Take some fresh henna leaves and put them in a grinder along with water. Grind them properly until they form a smooth mixture.
- Now, cover your scalp and hair completely with the mixture, i.e. from root to tip of the hair.
- After applying the mixture cover the hair with a shower cap and leave them untouched for about 3 hours.
- Later, use shampoo and cool water to wash your hair.
People with hair thinning problem can get strong hair by using henna mixture on their hair at least once a month. It can provide a better texture to the hair and make them look shinier.
Besides these home remedies you can also make certain changes to your diet plan, including something to it that can help in making your hair stronger. Foods like spinach, oatmeal, yogurt, eggs, guava, sweet potato, barley, nuts and sweets, etc. can be consumed and included to the regular diet plan to improve the hair growth and get rid of thin hairs that get stuck in your broth.