If you have searched for ways to delay the aging process and keep your skin looking plump, smooth, and supple, you might have come across the word collagen. And if you have ever wondered what collagen is meant for, it can be said that it is one of the most abundant proteins in the human body that provides integrity, elasticity, and firmness and to the skin.
Collagen is a protein found in the connective tissues like skin and muscles, that helps provide structure and elasticity. Degradation of this protein over time leads to physical changes like sagging skin and fine lines and wrinkles. Collagen damage is also associated with the weakening of muscles and joints.
Collagen in the body begins to decline in our 20s. So, consuming foods having structural protein can help maintain its level in our body. Though we can have collagen supplements, especially ones containing collagen peptides, we can also add some foods to our diet which can boost the production of collagen.
We have mentioned some of the collagen-boosting foods that you can add to your diet to improve the health of your skin:
1. Mushrooms
Mushrooms are rich in zinc which supports collagen production. They also have anti-inflammatory properties and contain antioxidants, which make them an important ingredient of skincare products. Certain types of mushrooms also contain amino acids that help in collagen production.
2. Nuts
Nuts are loaded with minerals like zinc, which help in the production of collagen. They also contain Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E, and copper, which promote a healthy collagen production. They are responsible for making the skin supple and smooth along with giving it a natural glow.
3. Green Leafy Vegetables
Leafy vegetables are high in Vitamin C that helps in maintaining and repairing connective tissues damaged due to wear and tear. This antioxidant vitamin helps in collagen production which in turn leads to healthy skin, hair, and nails. If your body do not have required amount of collagen, a vitamin C supplement should be taken. Green leafy vegetables also help prevent collagen breakdown.
Also, all green vegetables contain chlorophyll, which increases procollagen (a precursor of collagen) in the skin.
4. Broccoli
Another good source of vitamin C is broccoli. It helps in reducing wrinkles and improving skin elasticity by boosting collagen production. Also, this green vegetable is also considered better than sunscreen in protecting the skin from skin cancer. It contains sulforaphane that help in keeping the skin healthy.
Besides helping in collagen production, it also improves hair health and treats hair loss. You can enjoy it mixed with baby kale and pomegranate seeds.
5. Citrus Fruits
Consuming citrus fruits can also be very helpful in boosting collagen production. It is very rich in Vitamin C, which is required for collagen synthesis in the body.
The antioxidant effects of citrus are responsible for fighting free radicals that might damage your skin and cause aging. You can consume these fruits along with collagen supplements to get better results.
6. Bone Broth
One of pthe opular sources of collagen is bone broth. You can prepare it by cooking beef, chicken, or other animal bones to get the minerals and collagen. The cartilage and collagen content of bone broth make it extremely beneficial for skin health.