The U.S. Food and Drug Administrative (FDA) recently approved the intravenous version of drug, Varubi, used to treat chemotherapy-related vomiting and nausea in adult patients. Its oral version was approved by the agency in 2015. Tesaro Inc., the drug manufacturer, said that intravenous Varubi in association with other drugs to cure nausea and vomiting in adults caused as side effects of chemotherapy.
According to the report of the National Institute and Health, almost 80% patients receiving chemotherapy suffer from nausea and vomiting. Neurokinin (NK)-1 is the nervous receptor that is responsible for nausea and vomiting. Varubi blocks the activation of NK-1 and thus, prevents nausea and feeling of vomiting.
Tesaro’s chief executive, Lonnie Moulder said to Reuters in an interview that the intravenous Varubi drug will be launched by November 2017. This new version will be less costly in comparison to its previous oral version. The intravenous drug will cost 295 USD per ready-to-use vial, whereas the oral drug costs 561.80 USD.
Another drug, which is capable to antagonize NK-1 receptor is Emend that was introduced by Merck & Co. This FDA-approved drug, that treats chemotherapy-induced vomiting and nausea, had a selling of nearly 549 million USD in 2016. The oral version of Varubi was licensed from Opko Health Inc. by Tesaro in December 2010.