Pilates is a mind-body workout that can make a positive difference to your health. This fitness method was developed by Joseph Pilates, a German gymnast and bodybuilder, which emphasizes on proper breathing, and correct alignment of spine and pelvis. Pilates provides strength to your back, and helps you attain a better posture.
Pilates comprises special techniques of breathing and concentration and helps relieve symptoms of stress and anxiety.
You can consider doing Pilates over a mat, i.e., on the floor. It involves a sequence of movements that flows like dance. Dancers have also used moves of Pilates while performing. Some of the exercises involve springs and pulleys to create resistance. You can also go for machine Pilates, which can be done by beginners, and by others, who regularly practice Pilates.
Pilates can be learnt from videos. You can hire an instructor to help you get started. Also, the instructor must have received his credentials from an authorized institution that provides training in Pilates.
Pilates is a very effective workout, but you should not confuse it with aerobic exercise. Make sure that you include cardio and other exercises like walking or swimming in your fitness plan alongside Pilates.
Source: drugs.com