We all know about various ways to stay healthy. It includes eating green vegetables, having adequate sleep and exercising enough. But, a latest study has found an unanticipated way to boost health – going to sauna.
The study was published in journal, Neurology. According to the study, people who took sauna baths four to seven times a week experienced decrease in risk of stroke by 60%.
Sauna is Great For Your Heart
You may not be having sauna at your home. It is a popular concept in Finland and people in this country have home saunas too. They are used to going to small rooms to have dry heat with temperatures more than 160 degrees Fahrenheit. This cleanse them while giving imparting a feeling of relaxation. Researchers have found that this also promotes cardiovascular health.
In this study, researchers examined 1000 adults in Finland for their sauna habits and health outcomes for nearly 15 years. It was found that the more frequent the sauna baths were taken, the lesser was the likelihood of having stroke even when factors like age, income, exercise habits, smoking, medical histories of high blood pressure and diabetes were considered. Having sauna baths more frequently reduced the risk by 60% as compared to people, who took sauna baths only once a week.
What Makes Saunas Beneficial for Your Health
It is just the heat that makes is so beneficial for health. Researchers say that heat in sauna baths can enhance the blood flow, boost blood circulation and activate the immune system, leading to decrease in cases of hypertension, which causes stroke.
The study concluded that those Caucasian adults, both middle aged and elderly, who take sauna baths regularly have lesser chances of having stroke.
This study has strengthened the evidence that passive heating therapy, such as sauna bath boosts the health of the cardiovascular system and decreases the chances of vascular events.