A little bit of stress can boost your productivity, but too much of it can take a toll on your life. Stress is a precursor of anxiety disorders. Feeling anxious occasionally is common, but if you are experiencing this emotion on a daily basis that is preventing you from leading a normal life, then you may need to follow some steps to manage your anxiety.
You can make changes in your lifestyle. Exercise daily, which helps the body to release its natural feel-good chemicals, called endorphins. Don’t miss out on your sleep. Get at least at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep daily. If something is stressing you out, take short breaks from those stress inducers. You can meditate or listen to some great music to soothe your mind or soul.
Refrain from drinking, as it is known to cause panic attacks. Try to eat as healthy as possible, and never skip meals.
Anxiety could be hereditary. It runs in families. If you are not able to self-treat your anxiety, then you must definitely consult a doctor. Some common symptoms of anxiety disorder are:
• Worrying constantly and excessively
• Panic attacks and nightmares
• Social anxiety, which inhibits you from making social contact.
Moreover, you need not worry if you have been diagnosed with anxiety disorder. There are many treatments available. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one such treatment. It works at the root level by trying to change the negative patterns of thought.
Source: medicinenet.com