Know the Signs of Heat Stroke

Know the Signs of Heat Stroke

Yes, the sun is really irresistible. Now, while the summers are back, it is satisfying to see people with their friends and families out in the sun. Moreover, it is good to be in the sun because this means you will be getting adequate amounts of Vitamin D.

Dr. Mehmet Oz feels that the being in the sun is rather great after winters but it is not exactly that much fun. Dr. Oz has emphasized the importance of using a broad spectrum sunscreen that can protect you from cancer-causing UVA and UVB rays, whenever you step out in the sun. There are other things that should be your concern you as well, the heat is as dangerous as sun. As the sun is getting hotter each passing day, you must know how much heat is too much.

What Is Heat Stroke?

Heat stroke occurs when your body’s natural temperature regulation fails in extremely hot environments. Here is how heat stroke occurs: When your sweat evaporates, it cools down your body a bit. This allows your body to stay at normal body temperature of around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. During hot temperatures, sweat doesn’t evaporate easily thereby heating your body up. Humidity in the surrounding air makes it even more difficult for your body to cool down.

Dr. Oz warns that even a dry day may cause dehydration. Sweat evaporates much faster on a dry day, thereby making you lose water fast. Unless you stay well-hydrated, you are probably going to lose much water as sweat. So how do you know when your body is nearing danger point? Well, there are various stages that your body goes through, which might be enough to warn you of impending health consequences. Being able to recognize these early signs can give you time to cool your body down before various health issues surface.

Signs of Heat Stroke

Here are the signs of stroke Dr. Oz feels you must know. These would help you recognize the early signs and act at the right time so that your body recovers fast:

  • Heat Cramps: Muscle cramps are one of the first indications of body over-heating. You might also feel thirsty and exhausted. In case you experience these signs, you must take a break to cool down. An electrolyte fortified drink is the best idea to help your body recover fast.
  • Heat Exhaustion: If you miss the earlier signs, you condition might exacerbate. You might feel nauseous, faint, or dizzy, your skin might feel cool, have headaches, or might have goose bumps. You can have all the before mentioned signs or other serious ones. As soon as you experience any of these signs, remember to sit and relax a bit. It is very important to drink an electrolyte drink to regain the electrolyte balance of your body. If these signs improve or disappear within an hour or two, it is okay but if not, you must visit your doctor as soon as possible.
  • Heat Stroke: Heat stroke is the most dangerous and final stage. Your body is now having difficulty in maintaining normal temperatures and has already lost much of the water content. You might experience that your body has stopped sweating. You might vomit, have flushed or red skin, feel your heart racing and breathe rapidly. In worst cases, you might also feel confused and pass out. This is an emergency, you should reach for a doctor asap or ask people around to take you to a nearby hospital. If this happening with somebody you know, give them something cool to drink (not alcohol), put them in a cool bath, wrap them in a cool cloth and call an ambulance immediately.

If you pay close attention to the signs your body is giving, you won’t have to face the final stage.

Preventing Heat Stroke

Preventing Heat Stroke

Learn simple ways to prevent heat stroke. Follow these tips to stay healthy even in extreme hot weather:

  • Stay Hydrated: Always keep sipping in on water, at small regular intervals. This will ensure that you stay hydrated. Always carry a water bottle along so that you have water every-time you feel thirsty. Remember drinking water more often on extremely hot days.
  • Wear Sunscreens and Sun Protective Wear: Sunburned skin doesn’t release heat as good as a normal skin does. Always use sunscreen or wear sun protective wear and hats whenever you step out in the sun. This would ensure that you don’t get your skin sunburned.
  • Avoid Going Out When Sunrays Are Most Intense: Generally, between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., the sunrays are most intense. Avoid stepping out in the sun during this time. Also avoid staying in places that are extremely hot, like a car parked in the sun.

Dr. Oz believes that these tips would help you prevent sun stroke and also detect the early signs. The best way to deal with sun stroke is to avoid it and believe us, it is not very difficult.