Where there is a will there is a way, this is what we all aware of. But, now you need to know something more vital than all this, that can decide your overall health and wellness. Where there is excess weight, there is always the maximum chances of diabetes development and this thing is completely backed by the science somehow, diabetes and weight loss are intriguingly related.
So, if you’re overweight then you might be living with the risk of diabetes development and focusing on your body weight should be your concern. Diabetes and weight loss are highly linked as it can affect your body in both negative and positive ways depending upon the type of diabetes you have. There are various reasons behind diabetes and weight loss association, to understand the facts and weight loss occurrence you need explore more into the deep.
Here is everything that you need to know about diabetes and weight loss.
Table of Content
- Diabetes and Weight Loss
- First things First- You need to Weigh Yourself
- What You Can Do
- Type 2 Diabetes and Weight Loss
- Losing Weight with Type 2 Diabetes
- Things You Can Do to Gain or Prevent Weight Loss after Getting Diagnosed with LADA or Type 1 diabetes
- Gestational Diabetes and Weight Loss
- Conclusion
Diabetes and Weight Loss
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder which affects the body’s ability to utilize energy properly. One of its symptoms is unexplained or sudden weight loss that may lead to serious health complications.
Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes have their own effects on the body of sudden weight loss. For a person with type 2 diabetes, losing weight could be a good thing that can help him to reduce the risk of major complications in coming future. Although, type 1 is no different it too much-unexplained weight loss may worsen the situation, so it’s is better to opt a healthy lifestyle to keep your blood sugar and weight under the perfect range.
First things First- You need to Weigh Yourself
You need to find out how obese or under-weight you are depending on the type of diabetes. It is the first step to go through the big tunnel of diabetes and weight loss. Consulting with an expert is always a great idea to follow that will help you know your body’s requirements. Go, get up, because weight loss makes all the difference in your life with diabetes.
What You Can Do
Try to read and gather as much information as you can and talk with a diabetic educator to understand the risk and everything coming for you. We have also covered almost everything that will help you lower the risk of complications. You can try to incorporate it in your life and lead a life towards unparalleled health with diabetes by your side. Because losing weight is the first step towards diabetes prevention.
Type 2 Diabetes and Weight Loss
If you’ve type 2 diabetes, your pancreas still produces insulin and try to keep blood sugar under control. But, a too high blood glucose level affects its efficiency to keep the hikes down and causes other health issues. Overweight people have the higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes and excess weight makes it harder to control blood sugar levels.
People having type 2 diabetes develop a serious state called insulin resistance. Their body can produce insulin but cannot use it properly to move sugar into the cells, which results in high blood sugar. Hence, pancreas tries to make more insulin to fight the cause of insulin resistance to overcome this problem.
You can improve your insulin resistance with regular exercise and weight loss. Healthy body weight makes it easier to achieve required blood sugar in cells and also help blood sugar to get back its normal level.
Overweight and people with type 2 diabetes advised to enrol in physical activities to reduce the risk of diabetes development.
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Losing Weight with Type 2 Diabetes
Losing weight could be on the to-do list of thousands of people with or without diabetes. But for people with type 2 diabetes, it is actually a topic of concern. Excess body fat and weight increases insulin resistance and make things more challenging.
Steps to Success
Get Physical:
Exercise is one of the most effective ways to prevent weight gain. According to several types of research opting for physical activity and reducing calories will help you lose more weight more easily. National Weight Control Registry (NWCR), have the data of 10,000 women and men who experienced the amazing results with just daily brisk walking as exercise.
Eat Breakfast:
Breakfast is an effective meal that should not be missed or skipped in order to lose weight and stay healthy. It may lead to overeating and can cause a hike in blood sugar levels. Several studies show that eating your breakfast (especially cereal) is linked with better and healthy weight management.
Feast on Fiber:
Sufficient fiber intake can fasten weight loss and lower your blood sugar levels. Higher fiber intake may also prevent excess fat development and weight gain to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. You can try adding fiber-rich legumes and other beans into soups and salads to increase intake.
Cut Calories:
Calorie intake of every diabetic depends upon various factors such as current weight, age, gender, and body type and activity level. A reasonable range between 1,200 and 1,800 is considered good for a person with type 2 diabetes. You can take help of a diabetic educator to know and manage your perfect calorie intake.
Set Small Goals:
Your body won’t transform in a single day, so you need to take small steps and focus on your small goals. Set realistic targets and make it a habit to follow your routine and then move to next objective. This will help you lose weight in a healthy way without suppressing appetite or body’s natural functioning.
Things You Can Do to Gain or Prevent Weight Loss after Getting Diagnosed with LADA or Type 1 diabetes
Most of the diabetes diets are designed to lose weight naturally. But, in case of a person with LADA or type 1 diabetes, they can experience sudden weight loss that can be drastic for overall health. So, it is advised to gain a healthy body weight if you have any of the issues, LADA or type 1 diabetes.
You must consult a dietitian or diabetes educator to change your meal plan for better diabetes management without affecting blood sugar levels. Let’s just focus on what you should do to prevent weight loss or gain a healthy weight after getting diagnosed with these complications.
Start Using An App:
Nowadays, there a number of apps available in the market that can keep a check on both your BMI and blood sugar levels. They can help you to deeply analyze your fat, fiber, carbohydrate, and calorie intake to achieve your daily meal goals. You can also use them to track physical activity, steps walked and other exercises to stay fit and healthy.
Determine Your Ideal Weight:
Knowing your ideal body weight is a crucial step to achieve your healthy weight goals. You should have the right idea of how much weight you’ve to gain and how you can reach there as soon as possible. Talk to your doctor and know your BMI and other consider other factors keeping the risk of diabetes in your mind this will make things effective and easier for you.
Load Up On Healthy Carbs:
Carbohydrates with a low glycemic index will help you keep blood sugar under control. You can easily gain by incorporating healthy carbs with some fats and protein in your daily diet. This would help you consume enough calories without increasing amount of glucose in your bloodstream. Below are some of the healthy carbohydrates not to be missed:
1. Nuts
2. Berries
3. Vegetables
4. Legumes
5. Seeds
6. Whole grains
Try Healthy Fats:
It’s your time to opt for more healthy polyunsaturated and monosaturated fats to meet your daily calorie requirements. Add healthy fats will help you gain weight without adding excess belly pounds. Some of the healthy fats are:
1. Canola oil
2. Seeds
3. Avocados
4. Olive oil
5. Nuts
6. Fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel
Consumer Dietary Protein:
Protein is an important building block for muscle mass. You should talk to a dietitian first before start consuming protein as it could harm your kidney and liver function. Consuming perfect amount of dietary proteins will easily help you gain weight without too much trouble.
1. Eggs
2. Soy
3. Chicken
4. Fish
5. Beans
Stay Away from Stress:
Stress can badly affect your health, doesn’t matter you’re a diabetic or not. Try not to worry and keep yourself busy with stuff that you love, you can read, write, swim, meditate or try yoga to tackle the worst. This will help reduce excess fat deposition and release the tension of the mind to keep you happy.
Gestational Diabetes and Weight Loss
Generally, it is not recommended not to lose weight during pregnancy. Although putting too much weight is also not advisable, you need to talk with your doctor and know about the ideal weight you should have during pregnancy period. This will help ensure both baby and mother’s health during and after the pregnancy period.
Managing Weight With Gestational Diabetes
You’ll need to follow a healthy lifestyle to return to an ideal body weight after the pregnancy. A healthy diet and physical activity is the best way to achieve your goal. Know your BMI (Body Mass Index) and find what to follow and how to deal with it.
Weight loss is different for each woman after pregnancies. It may depend upon pre-pregnancy weight, eating habits, and age. Consider the following to maintain or achieve a healthy weight after the pregnancy:
Activity and Exercise:
Being physically active is a great and fun way to get back in shape. You don’t have to go for the heavy workout or exercises too early after becoming a mother. Your body needs some time to recover and walking the best remedy to make your body move. Consult with your obstetrician or doctor before performing any exercise and get back to your normal routines.
Healthy Eating:
Both exercise and healthy eating can do wonders on your recovering body. Continue with a healthy diet full of whole grains, vegetables, fruits and lean proteins. Cut back on sugar and eat small meals at regular intervals. This will also help to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes development in future.
Future Pregnancies:
If as a parent, you want another child, then first you need to gain a good control of blood sugar levels and keep using contraceptive methods to prevent pregnancy. Also be sure about following:
1. Attain a healthy weight and learn to maintain it
2. Begin low-impact exercises to keep your body moving to the next pregnancy.
3. Keep yourself hydrated and cool during exercise
4. Start using folic acid supplements and parental vitamin.
Keep following the above-mentioned recommendations to reach your ideal weight goals sooner or later in a healthy way. These are the ways to accomplish goals while keeping blood sugar levels under control. However, it is strongly recommended to talk with a healthcare expert or a diabetic educator to get your own diabetes management plan.
Diabetes is a no life-threatening disease if handled carefully, all you need is to find a way to move off the maze. Excess body weight can increase your complications and also the chances of diabetes development. So, it is advised to get physical and opt for a healthy lifestyle to maintain a balance.
Talk to your doctor, know your ideal weight and get ready for a happy and healthy life even with diabetes. Losing excess body weight will help you minimize the risk and people with type 1 and LADA need to focus on gaining and recover from unexplained weight loss.
If you liked the information provided or helped you fight diabetes, do share the information with your family and friends to aware people about diabetes. You can also give your honest feedback regarding the information in the comment section below. Stay healthy folks*