
10 Unknown Side Effects of CT Scans You Should Be Aware of!

A computed tomography (CT) scan or CT Scan is the technology that is used to produce cross-sectional slices of the body from different angles with the help of computer-processed X-ray measurements. It helps the medical and healthcare professionals in their diagnosis and therapeutic purposes.

A CT scan has so many uses generally, but precisely it is apt to examine people who may have internal injuries from any sort of accident or any trauma. It can be used for almost all parts of the body in order to diagnose disease or injury. CT scan also helps to plan medical, surgical or radiation treatment.

Doctors usually recommend a CT scan for:
• Diagnosing muscle and bone disorders
• Locating a tumor exactly, infection or blood clot
• For various surgeries, biopsy and radiation therapy
• Detecting and monitoring diseases and many severe conditions such as cancer, heart disease, etc.
• Detecting internal injuries and internal bleeding

As per the stats all around the globe, use of CT scans has increased in large numbers over the last two decades. Although, apart from its side effects there are a few side effects as well which are often seen and we have compiled a few ones here.


Side Effect #1: Cancer

Cancer refers to abnormal cell growth that may invade surrounding structures or spread to other parts of the body as well. It is called a group of diseases.
So, basically the radiation used in CT scans, can cause damage to the cells, and which further may lead to cancer sometimes. Matter of fact is that CT scans can have 100 to 1,000 times more radiation as compared to conventional X-rays. However, it is taken care of and the doses of radiation are kept low, and scans should always be done when it is necessary.

Side Effect #2: Nausea

When an unpleasant sensation to feel like vomiting, it’s called as nausea. It turns out to be a debilitating symptom sometimes because it brings in uneasiness in the upper abdomen, chest, and back of the throat.
Although, nausea is a common symptom that can also be observed in motion sickness, pregnancy, hypoglycemia, dizziness, food poisoning and gastroenteritis. So, it is also observed sometimes as a side effect in patients who have undergone CT scan.

Side Effect #3: Vomiting

When the stomach overpowers the pressures to keep food and secretions within the stomach normally, then a forced and involuntary expulsion occurs via mouth usually and that is called vomiting. There are various causes of vomiting and a few ones are food poisoning, other infections, and sometimes other problems related to the brain and central nervous system.
But it may be observed as a side effect sometimes in the people who undergo a CT scan.

Side Effect #4: Itchy Rash

A rash is observed when any part of skin changes its texture, color, or appearance. It can be localized or generalized depends on the cases. These rashes can also be chapped, dry, itchy, bumpy, cracked, or blistered as well. Although, rashes may occur duet to many things like side effects of medications, contact with allergens, and measles but it also happens in the case of CT scans sometimes.

Side Effect #5: Anaphylaxis

People who suffer from anaphylaxis may be observed with symptoms like tongue swelling, itchy rash, airway obstruction, dyspnea, hypotension, vomiting, and dizziness. And it may turn into a serious allergic reaction that further could lead to death. One can experience these symptoms from minutes to hours after the exposure to the allergen.
Anaphylaxis may sometime occur in patients who go through a CT scan.

Side Effect #6: Headaches and Dizziness


Headaches involve such pain which is felt in the head. The pain is varied in nature and can be sharp, throbbing, or dull sometimes. There are many kinds of headaches for instance migraines, cluster headaches, and tension-type headaches. But when they occur frequently, they can negatively affect school, work, and relationships. And sometimes it may also lead to depression.

Causes of headache are many for instance include dehydration, hunger, fatigue, stress, sleep deprivation, common cold, and infections. And on the other hand, in the dizziness, person experiences loss of balance, instability, or a sensation of spinning everything around. Both headaches and dizziness are common side effects in patients who undergo a CT scan.

Side Effect #7: Contrast-Induced Nephropathy

A complex and life-threatening condition that gets triggered by unnecessary exposure to harmful medical imaging waves. Nephropathy involves high-grade damage to kidneys and usually gets induced when the value of serum creatinine exceeds by 0.5mg/dl. However, the exact relation between kidney damage and contrast-induced nephropathy is still not completely discovered, and there is still a lot of grey area that needs to be explored more. The fact that CT scans and unnecessary medical imaging can acutely injure or destroy your kidney functions is absolute and certain.

Side Effect #8: Fetal Complications

Too much machine imaging can have disruptive effects on an individual’s health and even the successive generations. Active evidence has been found in favor of the relationship between excessive machine imaging and birth defects. These complications or anomalies can be life-threatening for a pregnant woman with a baby in her womb. The newborn child can have disfigured physical structure and features, even the mental health could take a toll with the child is mentally challenged.

Even though birth anomalies are mostly triggered with bad habits like smoking, alcohol, drugs or bad diet, a CT scan during pregnancy can also be extremely discomforting for the baby as the scan is jam-packed with heaps of radiation that can do irreversible damage on the physical and mental health of the baby.

Side Effect #9: Stomach Pain

On a theoretical level, abdominal or stomach pain can be compartmentalized under 9 categories: right hypochondria, left hypochondria, right lumbar, left lumbar, right iliac, left iliac, epigastric, umbilical and suprapubic. However, the symptoms are not this complex; abdominal pain can trigger active discomfort in bowel movements and can disrupt the digestive function of the body. Unbearable stomach pains are usually associated with barium contrast CT scans.

Side Effect #10: Constipation

Constipation is a highly discomforting condition that gets triggered by irregular bowel movements, an excruciating experience that requires you to forcefully try and sit at the toilet seat for hours without any good luck. It can be immensely frustrating and has the ability to completely derail a person’s professional and personal life from the track. Not being able to discharge the waste from your body can result in conditions like anal fissure, hemorrhoids or fecal impaction. Relations have been found between barium contrast CT scan and constipation.

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