
10 Unknown Side Effects of ACE Inhibitors

Even though drugs like angiotensin-converting enzyme or ACE are greatly effective in the treatment of hypertension (high blood pressure) and other heart diseases, their side effects can’t be completely overlooked.

ACE inhibitors help improve the health of the heart by taking away a fair load of pressure from the blood vessels by shaving off the oxygen and blood pressure demands. The human heart does not require to work very hard due to them if it’s under the influence of the ACE inhibitors.

ACE is a composition of angiotensin shifting enzymes and it works towards elevating venous capacity by simultaneously reducing arteriolar resistance, stroke work, cardiac output, blood vessel resistance, and cardiac index.

With the active benefits of ACE inhibitors, we also strive to shed light on some crucial ACE side effects, that every ACE using patient should be mindful of.


Side Effect 1: Low Blood Pressure or Hypotension

Triggered when the systolic or diastolic blood pressure goes down below 90, or 60 mmHg respectively, hypotension can cause severe scarcity of oxygen or nutrients which can result in grave conditions like headache, dizziness, fatigue, breathlessness, tachycardia and chest pain.

Side Effect 2: Coughing

Even though coughing is a defense reflex that helps in clearing the throat from discomforting irritants, microbes and alien particles, consistent coughing prolonged over a period of time can be a harbinger for diseased like lung tumors, and respiratory infection.

Side Effect 3: Feeling of Fatigue

ACE inhibitors are associated with symptoms of additional fatigue in patients who have been consuming these drugs. Fatigue can be divided into mental and physical fatigue, mental fatigue is centered around not the inability of the brain to function rapidly and flexibly while physical fatigue represents the lethargic condition of the physical actions and the body.

Side Effect 4: High Potassium or Hyperkalemia

Hyperkalemia is a grave condition that can interfere with proper neuromuscular and cardiac operations, caused during the intense elevation of potassium levels in the blood. Hyperkalemia is an additional side effect of ACE inhibitors and it can result in digestive discomfort, diarrhea and muscle weakness.

Side Effect 5: Constant Dizziness or Headache

Although headaches did not sound like a major problem, it’s constant presence can lead to a frustrating life which can have extreme effects on both, personal and professional life. Dizziness is a sign of acute muscle weakness, nausea or vomiting.

Side Effect 6: Agranulocytosis

A rare condition that can be triggered due to the consumption of ACE inhibitors, the condition which affects the immune system by exposing individuals to several high-risk infections. Sore throat, fever, chills, or rigors are some symptoms of Agranulocytosis.

Side Effect 7: Kidney Impairment

Reduced glomerular filtration rate can lead to several major problems like kidney diseases, heart failure, renal artery stenosis, and volume depletion. Patients taking ACE inhibitors should be regularly examined for renal function.

Side Effect 8: Swelling Under the Skin or Angioedema

The painless swelling under the skin of larynx, arms, legs, tongue or abdomen is a side effect that gets triggered due to the histamine. The swelling can also be due to certain allergies which can be treated with antihistamines.


Side Effect 9: Agranulocytosis and Neutropenia

A condition activated by extremely low levels of neutrophils in the bloodstream, neutrophils are immensely important functions of the body as they provide a protective shield in defense against bacterial infections and immunoglobulin generates viruses.

Side Effect 10: Effects on Pregnancy

Pregnancy is easily the most delicate state of women’s lives, the body has to take care of itself, and also act as a plant for the survival of new life sources. Hence, it is strongly advised to not indulge in medical or drug dosage habits that can have ill-effects of the mother, the child or both. ACE inhibitors are associated with pregnancy side effects with almost 50% of the newborn babies getting affected by the ACE inhibitors, with causes like stillbirths, renal dysplasia, neonatal deaths, and pulmonary hypoplasia, ACE inhibitors should be completely avoided during pregnancy.

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