Here is why you should stop drinking water from plastic bottles: World Cancer Day


Unlike the belief that using microwave safe plastic can prevent chemical leaching, it is found that these plastic containers do leach as well when heated in a microwave. It is therefore advised to heat food on a stove rather than using a microwave. It would take just five minutes more than heating food in a microwave.

You must transfer water from a plastic bottle to a stainless steel glass before drinking it. Start saving the leftover foods in glass or stainless steel containers. Dump those impressive plastic lunch boxes and opt for simple stainless steel lunch-boxes. Go out to dine in restaurants rather than choosing home delivery options. If you really need to get food home-delivered, ask about the grade of packaging plastic material used for packaging while ordering your food. Mothers should try not to let their infants and toddlers sip milk from conventional plastic bottles.

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