
Tips for Coping with Common Nasal Allergies by Sadhguru

Tips for Coping with Common Nasal Allergies by Sadhguru

Allergic rhinitis, sinusitis and allergic asthma and other similar health conditions are quite common these days. When your immune system reacts to a certain substance in the environment, it might result in an allergic reaction. There are several kinds of allergies and these might cause maximum discomfort to the eyes or nose. Allergic rhinitis, sinusitis and allergic asthma are very common among people residing in urban industrialized areas. People experiencing these conditions have allergic inflammation and increased sensitivity throughout their nasal airways, due to contact with allergens such as pollen or dust. Allergic rhinitis affects around 10% to 30% adults and around 40% children. The most common symptoms of these allergies include running nose, itchy eyes, persistent sneezing, phlegm and difficulties in breathing. These also significantly impacts a person’s daily activities and social life.

Sadhguru suggests several tips for coping with these nasal allergies:

Sadhguru suggests that if you suffer from cold-related conditions and find your nostrils blocked when you wake up, you must consume turmeric, black pepper, honey and Indian lilac for prolonged relief.

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