
10 Most Common Signs and Symptoms of Ketosis

Ketosis is a metabolic process that happens in the body when there are no carbohydrates available from food which helps to burn and produce energy for the functioning of the brain and various systems in the body. While the body enters ketosis, the body starts burning fat rather than carbs. Ketone bodies are then created in the liver and these bodies enter the bloodstream. Then, the body uses this fat as fuel.

When body makes ketones, it is slightly dangerous as it can result in dehydration and chemical changes in the body. It can also help people with diabetes to control their insulin levels.

There are many signs and symptoms to know if you are in the state of ketosis or not. Let us discuss these signs in brief:


# Ketones present in urine and blood

Number of ketone increases in the body during the process of ketosis. Reduced levels of insulin results in low level of blood sugar level and high level of ketones in urine and blood. There is a special tool which is used to measure ketosis in blood. To check the amount of ketone levels in the blood, beta-hydroxybutyrate is measured, it is a ketone form found in blood. It is the most accurate way to check on ketosis.

Urine test can also be done to check the presence of ketones. Indicator strips or keto strips can help to measure the amount of ketones.

# Weight Loss

Weight loss is one of the sure-shot sign of body entering in the state of ketosis. This is because body utilizes water and glycogen which results in drastic weight loss. This happens during the first few weeks when you go for a low carb diet. Rapid, healthy and long lasting weight loss occurs if you follow the keto diet.

Keto diet has been trending with people nowadays because of the health benefits it provides like controlling and managing insulin levels, improving heart diseases along with effective weight loss.

# Unexpected boost and loss of appetite

Both boost and loss of appetite happen during the process of ketosis as it is a metabolic process. When you enter ketosis, your body gives you signals about your hunger due to fewer carbs consumption. Your stomach and liver give signals to brain constantly, so the brain avoids about feeling of fullness. After some time, body becomes addicted of using fats and not feeling hungry anymore. This is called an unexpected increase and loss of appetite.

# Digestive Problems

You have been eating carbs from the start and when you make certain transitions in your eating patterns then, it may affect your digestive system. The body is familiar with using carbs for energy but when it uses fats for energy it creates a tuff condition for your digestive tract which results in diarrhea and constipation. This may happen due to less fiber present in the body which is essential for maintaining your gut health.

To prevent these digestive issues you need to include all the low carb high fiber foods in your diet like avocados, broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower. And avoid all the processed carbs.


# Improved brain function and increased energy

There are many studies that show that ketosis helps people to improve their focus and memory function. A low carb diet also helps in improving the brain function of specific mental health diseases. There are many long term benefits which are helpful for the betterment of people’s lives.

There are some short term symptoms like fatigue and dizziness at the beginning of ketosis. But, when body becomes familiar with utilizing fats as a source of energy, it instantly creates more energy. This also becomes a long term benefit.

# Fatigue

Our body is accustomed to utilizing carbs to use it as a source of energy. When body adapts ketosis, it results in certain side effects. Your body takes around 1 week to 1 month to enter in the state of ketosis. One of the most common side effect is fatigue. This may happen due to low electrolytes in the body as most of the water is eliminated during the process of ketosis. This is a temporary and can be prevented.

To prevent this symptom, you need to increase your fluid intake and fill your body with electrolytes like sodium, potassium and magnesium to restore and balance your body’s nutrients.

# Insomnia

A condition when it is difficult for people to fall asleep or staying asleep. When you consume carbohydrates, glucose keeps up the energy level constant. It also helps the uptake of L-tryptophan to brain. L-tryptophan is an amino acid which helps in the production of serotonin which results in sleep and body relax. Amino acid is not present in the body because the body is in the state of ketosis. This is the main reason insomnia is the sign of ketosis.

# Foul Breath

When your body enters ketosis state, the production of ketone bodies increases. And when the number of ketones is raised, it is removed from the body through the breathing process and urine. Common ketone forms present in the body are beta-hydroxybutyrate, acetoacetate, and acetone. A combination of these ketones creates a fruity and sweet-smelling breath. But, when the amount of acetone increases in excess then it smells like a nail polish remover and also called as nail polish remover breath.

There are some ways through which you can reduce bad breath like oral rinses, brushing teeth for a number of times, and sugar-free gums. Including carbs in your diet can help lower the level of ketone production. But be careful as it may also kick you out of ketosis.

# Dry Mouth

When there are ketones present in the body during the process of ketosis, it results in dry mouth. This happens because of the combination of low consumption of carbs and low sodium. Glycogen stores get utilized which leads to dehydration. And the fluid lost results in the dry mouth which boosts your thirst. Along with dry mouth, sweet or acetone smell breath also takes place.

It can be reduced by drinking liquids and broths. Also, people on ketosis should stay hydrated to avoid dehydration.

# Increased Thirst

Thirst is a symptom of dehydration. Also, symptoms of ketosis and dehydration are similar. A person feels thirsty when there is no glucose available in the body. Due to low carbs and low sodium, the body faces electrolyte imbalance because of the fluid loss. When glycogen stores are utilized to the fullest, dehydration may start. Thirst is related to dry mouth and bad breath.

To prevent increased thirst, you must increase your fluid intake to balance your nutritional requirement and to balance your electrolyte you must consume foods rich in sodium, magnesium, and potassium.

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