
10 Most Common Symptoms of Black Mold

Black mold is precipitated by the unregulated prolonged existence of damp and moist conditions inside a house. A version of fungi, black mold reproduces with toxicity in the form of conidia slime heads. A home that is struck by the unpleasant arrival of black mold needs to repair immediately and it should be furnished with mold eliminating disinfectants. More than the cure and elimination of black mold, one should keep a foresight towards making sure that the genesis of black mold production can be prevented from the start to avert any dangers of infectious spread.

Even though morsels of mold spread are not that harmful, but a thing to be considered while regarding the mold is that – mold can spread exponentially, and if proper measures of prevention are not taken then the toxicity of the mold can elevate hence making it extremely dangerous and even life-threatening. Prolonged exposure to any type of mold can result in debilitating health conditions, especially exposure to black mold can be gravely lethal and poisonous. Black mold contains mycotoxins which can orchestrate numerous respiratory and immune system disorders. Black mold should not be discarded like any other mole, its heavily discomforting and should be confronted with serious eradication processes.

Here are the 10 most common symptoms of back mold that everyone should know about:

Symptom 1: Frequent headaches

Even though headaches are a usual occurring symptom for numerous health conditions, their universal happening with a combination of different health conditions makes it more difficult to diagnose the exact reason for this discomfort. Black mold is a common reason for orchestrating unbearable headaches, however, one should not just consider headache as the sole evidence for the suspicion of having black mold presence in a home. Recurring episodes of painful headaches should be responded with proper medical guidance and treatment.


Symptom 2: Violent coughing

Even though coughing is the body’s defensive response against myriads of impure and toxic elements that enter our body, but the act of coughing in perpetuity can be extremely strenuous and pressurizing on your respiratory system which in turn results in chest pain and throat swelling. Coughing is an active symptom of coughing as breathing near the region contaminated by black mold would result in the inhalation of toxic elements that then result in violent coughing.

Symptom 3: Blocked nose

The nose is a vital organ of our body, it helps us to smell odors but most importantly it provides an airway for the inhalation of oxygen which then powers our entire body, but impurities and irritants that pass through our nose can severely damage the inner lining of our nostrils leading to the discomforting situation of a blocked nose. Respiration around the area contaminated with black mold can actively result in nose blockage that can cause grave respiratory conditions.

Symptom 4: Constant sneezing

The air around the black mold area is filled with harmful and irritating pathogens and their inhalation activates the body’s defensive shield and in order to discharge them, a person tends to sneeze more than usual. Black mold has the propensity to choke the mucus pores of the nasal passageway with mycotoxins which results in a hyperventilated defense shield which ultimately leads to sneezing.

Symptom 5: Fever

Black mold associated with the sudden rise of body temperature and even fever. The excessive intake of pathogen filled air due to black mold contamination leads to temperature rising and the body tries to fight the pathogens by slowing trying to kill the alien entrant.

Symptom 6: Itchy and red eyes

Eyes are easily one of the most sensitive parts of our body, but the protective covering guards them against the unwanted entry of damaging microbes and irritants. Henceforth, when havoc-wreaking pathogens try to enter the eyes the body deploys its defense shield which in-turn makes the eyes itchy and red so that the host would make the effort to remove them with rubbing or medicinal eye drops. Eyes also tend to become additionally moist to cause the removal of pathogens.

Symptom 7: Itchy and dry skin

Skin conditions are caused by overexposure to allergens and pathogens. Pathogens wrongfully enter the body and trigger reactions that in turn affect the overall health of our skin. Black mold triggers the presence of pathogens in the air which then make the skin dry, itchy and irritated. Skin rash and itchiness are serious symptoms and they should be dealt with absolute care and expert treatment.

Symptom 8: Fatigue or lethargy

Feeling tired or fatigue is not something which is completely unusual or harmful, however, the constant state of being fatigued while facing extreme lethargy while working are signs of real dangers and malfunctioning physical health. Black mold has the tendency to orchestrate immense lethargy due to the excessive inhalation of mycotoxins. Constant fatigue also leads to the risk of getting diagnosed with other harmful illnesses.

Symptom 9: Improper mental health and confusion

Prolonged exposure to the severely damaging black mold can lead to a complete disruption of personal and professional life. Living under the cloud of slime and black mold can interfere with your mental health making you confused and can throw a wrench in your everyday schedule by making your unproductive and forgetful. Proper medical care is imperative in such conditions with no scope for carelessness.

Symptom 10: Numbness in feet and hand

Our feet and hands are probably the most active parts of our body, we carry most of our daily activities through the active movement of our legs and our hands. The movement of our whole body is greatly influenced by our central nervous system which is controlled by our brain, but as discussed above black mold can negatively affect the functionality of your brain which then leads to the malfunction of the nervous system, henceforth resulting in numb feet and hands.


Even though black mold and movement numbness is a rare occurring instance, however, proper care should be taken under the exception cases of numbing during the presence of black mold.

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