
LDL vs. HDL Cholesterol – Which One Is Good for Your Health?

dl vs hdl cholesterol which one Is good for your health

High blood pressure and smoking are not the only risk factors that increase the chances of having heart disease. High cholesterol is also a prominent risk factor. The good news is that people can reduce the levels of cholesterol in their blood by having a healthy diet, exercising, and not missing out on medicines.

Well, let us tell you that the two main types of cholesterol are low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or bad cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or good cholesterol. Some amount of cholesterol is required by the body but if the levels are too high, then it is a sign of danger.

This article carefully analyzes the two types of cholesterol (HDL and LDL) and tells us what makes one good and the other bad. Also, it discusses what must be done to keep the levels in check.

HDL and LDL Cholesterol

LDL is bad cholesterol. If it is in excess in the blood, it accumulates on the walls of the blood vessels, making them stiff and narrow. When LDL cholesterol build ups, the flow of blood gets reduced and chances of stroke and heart attack rises.


HDL transports LDL from blood to liver after breaking it down and disposing it off as waste. HDL is known as good cholesterol as it decreases the level of cholesterol in blood. Higher levels of HDL reduce the risk of heart disease and heart attack.

Ideal Range of Cholesterol

Cholesterol is measured in milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL).

The correct range may vary across regions and countries.

Ratio of Total Cholesterol to HDL

This ratio can help us know if we are consuming enough good cholesterol and if should we stop consuming bad cholesterol. It can be calculated by dividing the total cholesterol with HDL. The ratio should be less than 4 practically. If the number is less, the person’s cholesterol levels are considered healthier.

Total cholesterol levels fluctuate, so one blood test might not be enough for correct assessment. Levels change for obvious reasons after having a meal so sometimes the blood test will be done first thing in the morning before a person has breakfast.

According to studies [1] , total cholesterol to HDL ratio is a better indicator of the risk of having heart disease than just LDL levels

Non-HDL Cholesterol

There is another method of evaluating cholesterol level. This is by calculating non-HDL cholesterol level. Non- HDL cholesterol is calculated by subtracting HDL levels from total cholesterol.

This calculation also includes very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), so it is a more accurate method. Just like LDL, VLDL can also build up inside the walls of blood vessel. The level of non-HDL cholesterol should be less than 130mg/dL. If the levels are more than this, there are chances of heart disease.

Causes of High LDL Cholesterol Levels

Causes of high LDL cholesterol levels are given below:

Reducing LDL Levels

Some lifestyle changes can help reduce LDL cholesterol levels as given below:

Some studies [2] say that vitamin B-3 can decrease the levels of LDL cholesterol and increase the levels of HDL cholesterol.

People who want to decrease LDL cholesterol should not eat saturated and trans-fat. Foods that should be avoided are:


Some Tips to Check High LDL Cholesterol

You can follow these tips to prevent LDL levels going up:

Ways to Raise HDL Levels

Some ways to raise your HDL levels are:

High levels of LDL cholesterol are a huge risk factor for heart disease. But it does not show any symptoms sometimes. It is advised that people above the age of 40 should get their blood tests done to get their levels of cholesterol tested.

Modifications in diet and lifestyle can help in managing the levels of HDL and LDL. If these do not work, medicines may be recommended.

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