
10 Common Foods to Avoid While Suffering From Diverticulitis

Diverticulitis is an intestinal condition that gets triggered by the formation of large diverticula around the linings of the intestine. A condition more frequent in older adults, diverticulitis can lead to several health discomforts like nausea, constipation, episodic vomiting, and diarrhea. According to reports, regions like Asia and Africa, whose diet culture is primarily based around fiber sources experience a significantly low amount of diverticulitis cases.

Henceforth, a fiber-rich diet is especially advised to a patient suffering from diverticulitis. Even though there is some confusion on the subject of food sources that promote diverticulitis, we have prepared for you a list of ten food items that you should avoid while practicing the diverticulitis diet.

Food 1: Fruits with a high fructose content

Remember to avoid foods that have high fructose content in them, especially fruits like apples, pears, and plums. Consuming a rich source of fructose while suffering from diverticulitis can lead to excessive sugar secretion in your stomach that will stimulate the symptoms of diverticulitis.

Food No.2: FODMAP foods

For those of you who don’t know, “FODMAP” stands for “fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols”, which is much simpler terms mean that foods that contain great levels of sugar ingredient in them. Now when you consume FODMAP foods during diverticulitis, the high portions of sugar further contribute to the existing agitation near the intestine. Fermented food can exponentially increase the stomach pain and will make the diverticulitis suffering unbearable.


Food No.3: Milk or Dairy products

Dairy products contain a highly inflammable protein called casein. The protein casein is an A1 protein that further aggravates the inflammation situation by actively aiding the symptoms of diverticulitis. Individuals can always switch to safer milk options in A2 milk which is powered with beta-casein and does not offer any of the side effects of A1 casein.

Food No.4: Cabbage and Brussels sprouts

Exactly like FODMAP fruits, individuals suffering from diverticulitis should also steer clear of high FODMAP vegetables like cabbage, onions and garlic. High FODMAP veggies are comparatively harder to get rid of, they digest very slowly and their prolonged presence in the digestive tract leads to fermentation which further contributes to the elevation of inflammation.

Food No.5: Processed and packaged foods

Packages food are also high FODMAP sources and they should be totally avoided during diverticulitis. Packaged foods contain high levels of starch which is fermented by the intestinal bacteria and then leads to discomforts like diarrhea or bloating. Similarly, canned food items also contain elevated levels of starch and they should be completely avoided.

Food No.6: Beans

Even though there is still uncertainty about the relation between a high fiber diet and the emergence of diverticulitis, experts still believe that whilst suffering from diverticulitis one should steer clear of high fiber food sources like kidney-beans, lentils or chickpeas.

Food No.7: Whole grains

Experts believe that individuals who commonly consume whole grain, lectin heavy diet are wrongfully padding their bodies with irritable constituents which will later pose great difficulties for their intestinal tract. Lectin is a primary element of the whole-grain diet and it focuses on binding the carbohydrates together. However, high lectin foods can pose complex discomforts for diverticulitis patients and they are strongly advised against the consumption of whole-grain foods like oats, brown rice, bulgur, and quinoa.

Food No.8: Caffeine

It is advised to steer clear of high caffeinated drinks during the outbreak of diverticulitis. Henceforth, tea, coffee, and energy drinks should be totally discarded from the refrigerator shelf and the kitchen counters, and people should focus on drinking more water.

Food No.9: Red meat

According to latest studies around the diverticulitis condition, individuals who consume a high source of red meat food products on a daily basis experience a higher risk of getting diagnosed with diverticulitis. Red meat elevated your chances of diagnosis by a hefty 60% and the researches also claim that red meat in master inflammation activator which can virtuously contribute to the advancement of diverticulitis.

Food No.10: Alcohol

Active relation has been recognized between a high alcohol consumption rate and the risk of diverticulitis diagnosis. According to studies, cultures which aggressively promote drinking experience more cases of intestinal inflammation than those who carefully regulate and restrict the drinking of their citizens.

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