
8 Pervasive Myths About Sugar You Did Not Know

8 pervasive myths about sugar you did not know

As soon as we see something sickly sweet, we can’t resist saying to ourselves – Yummy! But, the very next moment, we find ourselves in an utter state of confusion with the common question that jolts our mind whenever we are in such dilemma – whether to eat this food item having sugar, or not!

Well, this usually happens because there is no proper information as to how sugar should be incorporated in our diet. We hear so much around us about sugar, but only to be left with many unanswered questions. For example, are some sugars healthier and better than others? And, is it true that if we stop having sugar, we will find answers to all our health concerns? Does ousting of sugar from our dictionary help us lose weight, handle our mood swings and ease away our acne?

Surprisingly, the answer is not probably what most of us think. Let’s look at some sugar-facts that are not known to quite a lot of us and how we should incorporate them into our diet.

Added sugar is not the same as the one, which is found naturally in various foods like milk and fruits. Natural sugar has vitamins, nutrients and minerals. Fruits have fiber, which causes the absorption of sugar at a slower rate. So, you need not worry about fruits or dairy, such as milk, but should keep a check on processed and packaged foods and sugary drinks.


In fact, our body does not differentiate between the sugar sources when it comes to digestion. The digestive tract decomposes all sugars into simpler ones, known as monosaccharides. The body does not know where it came from; whether honey, table sugar or nectar. The effect of all of these is same on the body.

If you feel that you are overeating, cutting back on its consumption shouldn’t be a problem. Instead of avoiding your favorite sweets, have smaller portions of them. Be wary of the packaged food. Stuffs like bread, yogurt and tomato sauce usually contain more of added sugar. So, choose options after reading the labels and select the ones that comply with your daily prescribed limits.

Having moderate amounts is innocuous but too much can lead to weight gain. When our diets have a lot of calories, including the ones coming from sugar, it may eventually result in weight gain, which could cause obesity and other chronic conditions.

Some people feel that they get a rush when they consume sugar-based snacks, but it fades off and they need a permanent solution to their crashing. When you eat sugary foods, your blood sugar level rises as quickly as it falls down. This can cause tiredness and you may experience headaches for a while.

A recent study claims that sugar has trace amounts of addictive properties. You will do yourself a huge favor if you avoid taking added sugars like processed yogurt, breakfast pastries and ready-to-eat cereals as this will gradually help you learn manage your sugar cravings.

Eating sugar should not make you feel guilty. It is not a health food, but at the same time, it is not a poison too as it is usually presented. It’s all right to have a little bit of it. So, go ahead and enjoy!

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