Member Directory

Holding a degree in health journalism, Pratha loves reading and writing on topics related to health and wellness. Her regular writings revolve around nutrition, fitness, health and latest trends in the related field.

Niharika is a biotechnologist, who loves to write about health, wellness and latest advances in the medical field. She loves to ponder over the quintessential questions of life and existence. Niharika has an incessant zeal to understand things and keeps on spreading her expertise via blogs.

Frank holds a master’s degree in pharmacology and currently, working in the research department of a leading pharmaceutical company. He writes about prescription drugs and related topics, including uses, benefits, possible side effects and so on.

A post graduate in health journalism, Peter is a full-time journalist with a leading health magazine. In the free time, he likes to read and write about medical research, health issues, drug discoveries and related topics.

Academician, Shelly's rich experience as an academic and research professional speaks volume. Her fields of interest are genetics, biotechnology and drug research. Shelly keeps herself abreast with latest scientific researches all around the globe and loves to write about the same.

Health Blogger
Just one profession wouldn’t be enough to define Kelly. A yoga trainer, amazing cook, motivational speaker and beautician, Kelly is a wonderful wife and responsible mother too. In the free time, she likes to post her lip-smacking recipes and share simple tips to stay youthful, in shape and healthy through her blogs.