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Study says caffeine is kidney friendly

A new research reported that coffee or caffeine is beneficial for people with kidney problems. The researchers surveyed 2300 Americans and reached to the conclusion that caffeine might reduce early death risk in people, who are suffering from kidney problems.

The study indicated dose-based preventive effects of caffeine in kidney patients. It also showed that coffee lowered the death risk due to kidney diseases by nearly 24%, as suggested by the lead researcher, Dr. Mihuel Bigotte Vieira, Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte in Lisbon, Portugal. He further said that the study was observational and did not prove that caffeine lowers the risk of death, but simply suggested the probability of such protective effects.

He further commented that that it the reasons for caffeine’s protective ability as well as its appropriate dose is still unclear. He also expressed the need for the replication of the study in the form of a clinical trial to compare the effect of caffeine consumption with no caffeine consumption among kidney patients.

Overall, the findings of the research were positive. People, who consumed least quantity of caffeine were found to have no improvements, while people, who consumed maximum caffeine reduced their death risk by almost 24%. The study also showed that the relation between caffeine and death risk doesn’t depend on factors like age, sex, diet, family history or education as well as on health conditions, such as high blood pressure and cholesterol, and heart diseases.


Spokesperson of the National Kidney Foundation, Dr. Lesily Spry of the Lincoln Nephrology & Hypertension, Dialysis Center in Nebraska, said, “I hope this is the case, as I sit here and drink my morning coffee. I would rather say that compared to little or no caffeine intake, those people with the highest intake of caffeine as estimated by dietary recall, may have a lower mortality, but the reason for this lower mortality is not proven by this association research.”

Amy J. Smith , Health Blogger & Cosmetologist

An enthusiastic health blogger and licensed cosmetologist, Amy has been running a well-established beauty and skin clinic in her locality plus she has been contributing her bit in health blogging for more than 15 years. While she personally supports natural ways of staying beautiful, she equally emphasizes the modern-day need of cosmetic treatments; considering urban lifestyle and prevailing environmental conditions in today’s world. She writes about contemporary health issues from time to time, aging prevention, anti-aging treatments, skin care, and skin-friendly diets and supplements.

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