
How Does CBD Oil Work on Human Body

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CBD or cannabidiol is one among many compounds extracted from the cannabis plant that are collectively, known as cannabinoids. CBD derived from either hemp or marijuana plant. Don’t get confuse between hemp and marijuana! They are two distinct species of cannabis plant that varies on the basis of the concentration of psychoactive components. There are two components present in the cannabis plant (Cannabis sativa), viz., CBD and THC or delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol. The oil that contains CBD as an active ingredient is called as CBD oil. Uses of CBD oils varies with varying concentration levels. THC is psychoactive, i.e., it has mind-altering properties. On the other hand, CBD is a non-psychoactive component and known to bear several therapeutic properties.

What is CBD Oil:

CBD hemp oil or simply, CBD oil is an oil-based product obtained from high-CBD and low-THC hemp. As hemp doesn’t contain any psychoactive component, this hemp CBD oil has applications for a bevy of medicinal purposes. CBD oil never extracts from marijuana plant because it is saturated with THC, a highly psychoactive compound. Another reason, that CBD oil is extracted from hemp and not marijuana, because, marijuana is still illegal in most of the countries except in several U.S. states. Whereas, hemp is legal in most countries and produced for industrial purposes and medicinal uses.

Nevertheless, you must be careful while buying a CBD hemp oil product. If the product contains 10 ml of CBD hemp oil and the CBD concentration is 8%, then the product actually contains 0.8 ml of pure CBD. A number of brands for the same product are available in the market. So, how to select the right product? Ideally, you should go for a product that has been advised to you by your expert. Further, you can a product that is certified by a reputed laboratory.


General Benefits of CBD Oil:

How CBD Works Inside a Human Body:

In general, human body is capable to produce cannabinoids (CBDs) whenever required. They are called endocannabinoids – a lipid-based neurotransmitters that bind with cannabinoid receptors and cannabinoid-receptor proteins. There are two types of cannabinoid receptors (CBD) present in the human body, mostly in the brain. These receptors are broadly classified into two categories, viz., CB1 and CB2.

CB1 receptors are majorly present in the brain and some in liver, kidney as well as lungs. CB2 receptors are part of the immune system. CB1 works for psychoactive cannabis components and stimulates the production and release of neurotransmitters. CB1 receptors of the brain controls behavioral coordination, such as thought, memory, mood, emotions, pain, comfort, appetite and so forth.

Whereas, CB2 regulates pain sensation and affects the immune functions. Study suggests, CB2 could impact programmed cell death. It also has effects on inflammation and pain.

Furthermore, new researches have pointed out that CBD doesn’t impact any of the receptors. Instead of direct interaction with the receptors, CBD stimulates the body to use its very own endocannabinoids. While CBD has low affinity for CB1 and CB2, it usually activates some ion channels and non-cannabinoid receptors. It functions across a couple of receptor-independent channels; for e.g., it delays the process of the reuptake of neurotransmitters (like adenosine and anandamide) and sometimes, inhibits or boosts the binding process of several G-coupled protein receptors.

Inside a human body, CBD majorly works as a reuptake inhibitor and allosteric modulator.

Another research claimed CBD to be a CB1 receptor’s negative allosteric modulator. Unlike THC, CBD doesn’t attach with CB1, but alters its shape and reduces its capacity to attach with THC. For this reason, CBD-dominant products don’t allow people to feel “high” as in the case of THC-rich products.

Other Roles of CBD:


Source: projectcbd.org

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