Antioxidants Sources, Benefits, Dietary Supplements, Anti-Aging & FAQs


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Safety measures of antioxidants:

Though they are extremely important for the protection of our cells antioxidants when taken in high concentrations can do more harm than good in our body. Antioxidants work best when we get our daily requirement from our diet by consuming fresh colorful fruits and vegetables. But if people are taking these in form of supplements then one has to be very careful about the toxicity of these supplements.

  • High dose intake of beta-carotene increases the risk of lung cancer among smokers.
  • Excessive dose of it may result in prostate cancer and stroke.
  • Vitamin E supplement could increase the risk of bleeding among people who take medicines for anticoagulating (thinning of blood) treatment
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women are recommended not to take antioxidant dietary supplements.
  • Always ask a doctor before consuming antioxidant dietary supplements along with conventional medicine.