
Natural Remedy for Hair Fall in Men-Natural Goodness

natural remedy for hair fall in men natural goodness

Hair Fall in Men

Hair fall is one of the most common problems globally. Almost one-third of people are affected by hair fall. An adult loses around 40-100 hair strands each day. Hair loss is a natural phenomenon, so loosing over a few strands each day is not a problem. It might be caused due to genetic factors, stress, diet or mineral deficiency, infections, psychological conditions and various other health conditions.
Hair fall is followed by new hair growth which is quite a natural process. If the hair loss is occurring at a higher rate than natural hair regrowth, it leads to significant hair fall. A person who is losing hair in tufts and it is affecting hair volume, he/she must immediately visit a trichologist.
Excessive hair fall in men causes shedding and thinning of hair around 30s, 40s or 50s and at times, even before. However, if the hair loss gets worse, it might also cause several bald spots on scalp and even cause baldness. Baldness is technically known as alopecia. In U.S, around 50 million men are affected by hair loss and around half of all men by the age of 50 years.

There are several factors that may influence hair fall in men. Abnormal levels of male hormones or androgens cause hair fall in men. A low protein diet or calorie restricted diet causes temporary hair fall in men.

Several health conditions such as lupus, hyperthyroidism, anemia, eating disorders, and iron deficiency can cause hair fall. People who are under constant mental stress or depression tend to lose more hair.

Home Remedies for Hair Fall in Men

Hair fall can be reduced by implementing several easy home remedies. A combination of activities and dietary choices can boost hair growth and reduce hair fall in men. The home remedies for hair fall are given below:


Scalp Massage with Essential Oils:

Lack of blood circulation in scalp causes hair fall. Blood brings essential oxygen to the scalp that promotes hair growth and maintenance. Massaging scalp improves blood circulation and bring vital elements to the scalp.
Regular oil massage can help in reducing hair fall. Lavender, olive, mustard, rosemary or castor oil can be used to massage scalp three to four times every week.

Coconut Milk:

Coconut milk is a rich source of vitamins and nutrients, which are essential for hair maintenance and growth. It helps in keeping the hair follicles healthy and strengthens the remaining hair thereby preventing further hair fall.
Coconut milk or coconut oil can be applied over the scalp topically. Coconut oil and coconut milk can also be consumed in form of liquid and food. Coconut oil can be used to cook food and in tempering. The benefits of coconut oil and milk can be derived through either way.

How to use it:

Egg Wash:

Eggs are very high in protein content. They help in strengthening the hair and reducing hair fall. Take a few eggs to create a paste. This paste can be applied topically over scalp. After a few minutes, it can be washed with water. This helps in providing strength and shine to the hair. This is an excellent way to curb hair fall in men. Also, eating two boiled eggs a day helps in reducing hair fall and promoting hair growth.

How to use it:

Fruit and Vegetable Pulps:

Certain vegetables and fruits are overloaded with anti-oxidants that strengthens the body’s defense mechanism against increasing hair fall with age.

Vegetables and fruits such as avocados, bananas, orange juice, lemon juice can be used in form of their pulps to be applied topically over hair.

A little amount of honey can be added to these pulps before application. These pulps strengthen the hair and reduces hair fall. Applying these pulps once in a week helps in reducing hair fall.


Black Pepper:

Black pepper is a common household spice used in variety of dishes. It helps in reducing hair fall by stimulating hair follicles, leading to hair growth.

How to use it:

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV):

Apple cider vinegar is packed with essential nutrients such as potassium and several other enzymes that help in reducing hair fall. It is also used to prevent dandruff. Dandruff clogs the pores and hair follicles, causing hair fall.

Apple cider vinegar can be applied after regular hair wash. AVC provides extra shine to the hair and helps in preventing hair fall due to dandruff.

How to use it:

Consume Foods that Prevent Hair Fall:

There are several foods which help in stimulating hair growth like avocado, leafy vegetables, beans, pumpkin seeds, citrus fruits, salmon, oysters, sweet potato and eggs. These foods provide key nutrients to the hair and scalp.

A person experiencing increased hair fall must increase intake of the above-mentioned foods. Certain nuts and seeds like almonds, flax seeds and walnuts improve hair health thereby reducing hair fall. Drink around 8 to 10 glasses of water each day to keep hair in great health.

Make sure to consume the required amount of vitamins through proper diet. Biotin is a Vitamin B complex that is soluble in water and reduces hair fall and promotes hair growth. Increase intake of brown rice, onions, eggs, oats and nuts because they provide biotin naturally. Regular consumption of amla juice helps in providing essential Vitamin C.

Reduce Stress and Anxiety:

Hair fall is significantly caused by stressful life. Try to indulge into certain recreational activities that help in reducing stress. Listening to music, yoga, regular exercising and meditation can help in reducing stress and anxiety.

Exercising, walking or swimming for around 30 minutes a day can help in preventing stress and also balances the hormone production in the body. This, therefore, reduces hair fall due to stress and anxiety. Sleeping around seven to eight hours a day helps in keeping a person calm and stress free.

Garlic Juice, Onion Juice or Ginger Juice:

Onion, ginger and garlic have certain anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. They are rich source of sulphur, which is widely known to minimize hair thinning and breakage.

A person with hair fall can try this remedy two to three times a week. These juices help in promoting new hair growth thereby significantly reducing hair fall.

How to use it:

Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera possess anti-inflammatory and anti- fungal properties. It is rich in proteolytic enzymes which naturally promote hair growth. Aloe vera helps in soothing an itchy scalp owing to its anti-fungal properties. It also prevents dandruff and reduces hair fall. Aloe vera gel can be applied topically over scalp to reduce hair fall.

How to use it:

Neem Paste:

Neem, also known as Indian lilac, has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. Neem paste helps in restoring alkaline balance of the scalp and reducing excessive hair fall.

How to use it:

Fenugreek Seeds:

Fenugreek or methi is a rich source of nicotinic acid, potassium, Vitamin C and proteins. They provide essential nutrients to the hair by promoting hair growth. Fenugreek reduces hair fall and also prevents dandruff.

How to use it:

Henna Leaves:

Henna has natural properties to reduce hair fall and promote new hair growth. A mixture of henna powder and mustard oil can help in significantly reducing hair fall.

How to use it:

Flax Seeds:

Flax seeds are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin E. When consumed daily, they help in reducing hair fall and promotes hair growth. Flax seeds can also be applied topically over the scalp.

How to use it:

Green Tea:

It is packed with anti-oxidants and hence can help in preventing hair fall.

How to use it:

Quit Smoking and reduce Alcohol Consumption:

Smoking reduces the blood flow towards the scalp thereby causing air fall. So, it is advised to quit smoking to prevent hair fall. Also, consumption of alcohol is linked with hair fall. Limit or stop consuming alcohol to notice reduction in hair fall.

Honey and Cinnamon:

Honey and cinnamon are known to stimulate the scalp. They improve the circulation of nutrient rich blood in the scalp, thereby reducing hair fall. This helps in promoting hair growth and reduces hair fall with regular use.

How to use it:

Coriander Juice:

Coriander contains many essential minerals and vitamins that strengthen the hair follicles and promote hair growth. Regular usage of coriander juice is one of the best ways to control hair loss. It also helps in strengthening the hair follicles and thereby reducing hair fall.

How to use it:

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