10 Most Common Signs and Symptoms of Ketosis

# Foul Breath
foul breath

When your body enters ketosis state, the production of ketone bodies increases. And when the number of ketones is raised, it is removed from the body through the breathing process and urine. Common ketone forms present in the body are beta-hydroxybutyrate, acetoacetate, and acetone. A combination of these ketones creates a fruity and sweet-smelling breath. But, when the amount of acetone increases in excess then it smells like a nail polish remover and also called as nail polish remover breath.

There are some ways through which you can reduce bad breath like oral rinses, brushing teeth for a number of times, and sugar-free gums. Including carbs in your diet can help lower the level of ketone production. But be careful as it may also kick you out of ketosis.

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Amy J. Smith , Health Blogger & Cosmetologist
An enthusiastic health blogger and licensed cosmetologist, Amy has been running a well-established beauty and skin clinic in her locality plus she has been contributing her bit in health blogging for more than 15 years. While she personally supports natural ways of staying beautiful, she equally emphasizes the modern-day need of cosmetic treatments; considering urban lifestyle and prevailing environmental conditions in today’s world. She writes about contemporary health issues from time to time, aging prevention, anti-aging treatments, skin care, and skin-friendly diets and supplements.