Metabolism regulates our overall wellbeing so we must take care of it. There are a number of people, who welcome the morning sun with a mug of hot and delicious, freshly brewed coffee. Everyone has their own recipe for a perfect cup to kick-start their day.
Topping your coffee with an overzealous amount of cream and sugar transforms it into a hefty desert rather than an energizing breakfast drink. However, there is one ingredient, which can make your coffee your ally in weight loss regime.
You must be wondering, ‘Really? How?’ Well, we have a secret ingredient that would make your dream come true. This amazing ingredient is nothing, but our beloved cinnamon!
We all know that an anti-inflammatory diet is extremely crucial to kick start our metabolism as it helps regulate our blood glucose levels. As per the nutritionist, Alex Caspero, chronic inflammation can adversely affect the hormones that are responsible for regulating hunger and metabolism. Internal inflammation has a direct link to weight gain and insulin resistance. This makes cinnamon a perfect addition on to your daily cup of coffee.
Cinnamon has won itself a large group of devotees, who worships it and use it in everything they eat or drink. It is sweet and spicy and brings in an added flavor to the morning cup of bliss.
Its potent anti-inflammatory properties helps in kick starting metabolism as it causes an elevation in the body temperature. This property of cinnamon is referred to as thermogenesis, i.e., converting energy from food into heat.
How Cinnamon Boosts Metabolism?
At the University of Michigan Life Sciences Institute, scientists carried out a study to determine how cinnamon affects human fat cells.[1] They used cinnamaldehyde, which is responsible for giving cinnamon its unique flavor.
It was found that when cinnamaldehyde came in contact with the fat cells, it increased the expression of metabolism-boosting genes and enzymes. This leads to increased burning of stored fat. Caspero states that cinnamon also helps in slowing down the rate of stomach emptying after meals. This, in turn, helps in controlling blood glucose levels.
How To Use Cinnamon?
In order to add freshest flavor of cinnamon to your daily cup of good morning coffee, cinnamon sticks are the best. You can add the whole stick of cinnamon to the coffee beans before grinding them for enhanced flavor, or you can use powdered cinnamon and add it to your cup of refreshing beverage.
You can also drink cinnamon water in the morning. Just add a stick of cinnamon to a bottle of water and soon, it will become yummy as well as good for your tummy.
You can double up your morning quota of anti-inflammatory dose by adding some cinnamon to your quinoa porridge too. Studies suggest that quinoa helps inhibit the release of cytokines – responsible for causing inflammation in the body.
You can cook 2 cups of quinoa porridge and add unsweetened almond milk, raw honey, cinnamon, chia seeds, walnuts and tart cherries for a power-packed, anti-inflammatory agent-rich breakfast. Walnuts are full of omega-3 fatty acids that are extremely healthy for the body. Chia seeds are also enriched with omega-3 fatty acids, proteins and fibers. Likewise, tart cherries are an excellent source of anti-inflammatory agents.
This way, you can give your body a healthy kick every morning that will go a long way in maintaining your overall health and wellbeing. So, say hello to the world with a huge mug of coffee with a dash of cinnamon, and say goodbye to health problems forever!