
Do You Know What Happens to Your Body When You Undergo Anesthesia?

do you know what happens to your body when you undergo anesthesia

If you are having surgery, then your doctor is likely to give you anesthesia to overcome the feeling of discomfort and pain. A narcotic drug is given to quite the thinking part of brain, i.e., cerebral cortex, and the areas of brain stem associated with awareness. It causes breathing to slow down and your body will feel relaxed. By the time you awake, you will feel that you have time traveled, and feel like you fell asleep moments ago.

Many people undergo surgery but most of the them may not be aware of what actually happens when you undergo anesthesia. Here we are going to discuss some interesting facts on what actually happens when we undergo anesthesia. Doctors generally don’t explain this to patients having surgery.

You Might Not Completely Fall Asleep

According to research, out of 10,000 procedures of anesthesia, 1 or 2 people won’t fall unconscious. Although it can cause inconvenience to patients, they usually don’t feel pain. There can be different reasons for anesthesia awareness while performing a surgery. In some conditions, lower drug doses are recommended in case of unstable patient conditions can put patients at higher risk of awareness. These high-risk procedures include C-Section, trauma, and cardiac surgery.


Never Guess Your Weight,It Could Lower Your Blood Pressure

If you are about to undergo surgery, this is not the right time to guess your weight. If you are not sure about your actual weight, ask for a weighing scale so that you can provide your anesthesiologist your actual weight. Initial dosing often depends on your weight. Providing a falsely low weight can lead to underdosing of anesthetics and antibiotics. And giving higher weight than normal can lead to overdose which can lead to drop the individual’s blood pressure. A very low antibiotic dose may also increase the risk of infection.

Stop Taking Medication to Avoid Excessive Bleeding

Prior to surgery, your doctor will ask you to stop taking certain medications like ibuprofen, supplements like omega-3 and blood thinners. All these medicines can increase the risk of excessive bleeding during surgery. If you are not following the instructions, then you must tell this to your anesthesiologist. Never forget to discuss the medicines you are taking before any surgery. Experts say that every drug has a side effect and to manage it, you should modify your medications during surgery.

Quit Tobacco for Fast Recovery

If you are addicted to tobacco products, you must stop taking them before a surgery. Your doctor may ask you to quit tobacco 2 or 3 weeks before the surgery to improve heart and lung function. When you stop taking tobacco, your red blood cells (RBC) will get clear of the carbon monoxide. This will allow the RBCs to carry more oxygen to your tissues. This may lower the risk of infection and improves your healing abilities.

Keep Your Stomach Empty to Avoid Breathing Problems

Doctors advise keeping your stomach empty prior to surgery for a good reason. When you become unconscious under anesthesia, you lose the ability to cough and prevent the stomach contents to enter the lungs through air passage. If your stomach is not empty prior to a surgery then there are chances that your food could enter the lungs, which may cause pneumonia.

You May Feel Uncomfortable

Many of you could feel uncomfortable during the whole process of surgery. So, if you are prone to back pain , you can ask your anesthesiologist to provide you a cushion under your back before you go to sleep. You can also ask the anesthesiologist to put the catheter in your non-dominant hand if you are not comfortable with that.

General or Local Anesthesia

General anesthesia has the advantage of keeping you unconscious during the whole procedure of surgery. But general anesthesia is not given in all the surgeries. In some surgeries, like in C-section and limb surgeries, local or regional anesthesia is given to the patients. With these type of anesthesia, the patients stay conscious during the whole procedure of surgery.


You May Be Dehydrated

Because patients are instructed to restrain from eating and drinking for hours before surgery, you might feel dehydrated during the process. To avoid this condition, you must drink plenty of water for several days prior to surgery. Appropriate hydration before surgery can help you to maintain your blood pressure.

You Might Feel Nauseous

After surgery, you might feel nauseous or vomiting. This problem is prevalent in many patients after surgery. This may cause a feeling of inconvenience and keep a patient in hospital for longer. You must tell your anesthesiologist if you have experienced nausea after having anesthesia in the past.

Side Effects of Anesthesia

Some people are sensitive to side effects after undergoing anesthesia. Shivering can be one of the side effects of anesthesia. Men with problems related to prostate may feel problem in urination after surgery. Some people might suffer from other side effects like gastric problems or nausea. Make sure to discuss your problems with your anesthesiologist.

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