Sixth graders learn hands-only CPR in a better away with music and videos

A recent research suggests that the cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can be performed by sixth graders. As previously in some schools, only high-school students were only given hands-on training for CPR, while training younger kids were not the focus of the training program.

Dr. Mimi Biswas, cardiologist, University of California’s Riverside School of Medicine and Riverside Community Hospital, raised the question that why the schools wait till 12th standard to offer the training, when even a sixth-grade student have understood the concept of circulation system and likely to be interested in learning the techniques of CPR.

For validating the fact, the researchers divided 160 sixth-grade students into three groups and provide them hands-only training on CPR. All the three groups were trained in different ways. For instance, the first group was shown a video in which they were taught how to provide 100-120 chest compression in a minute on the adult CPR dummies. Likewise, the second group of students watched the video along with a music, which helped them to match the target compression rate. Moreover, the third group watched the video along with a video game that helped them in matching up the target compressions.

Thereafter, the three groups were tested for their learning with the help of their performance for CPR skills on dummies.

The results of the test reported that most of the students remembered what they were taught like calling 911, performing CPR on the correct position and giving quality compressions. It was also noted that the students, who were shown video with video games have a higher success rate for achieving the target compression.

The findings of the research suggest that the speed boosting methods like music and video games are extremely helpful to the children in performing CPR.