Seasonal affective disorder: Causes, symptoms and cure

seasonal affective disorder causes symptoms and cure

The time has come when the days would be shorter, and people would start becoming low spirited and experiencing blues. It is normal to feel blue during holidays or when you are alone. However, what is worrisome is seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which is usually experienced during winter months. SAD is associated with the lack of daylight. It is common in women and is more prevalent in the northern parts of the U.S. where there is little sunshine.

Due to SAD, people experience sadness, irritability and pangs of anxiety. They start losing interest in their otherwise favorite activities. They may experience sleep problems or changes in weight. Although SAD symptoms go away with the arrival of the Spring, yet they might come back at the same time of the year; year after year.

Light therapy is used for the treatment of SAD. Patients are made to sit in front of a high-intensity light box for a period of half an hour in a day. Patients can also use antidepressants, but they have their own side effects. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is highly effective in curing SAD. It works with one’s core thoughts and helps prevent negative thought patterns. As a matter of fact, CBT is more effective than light therapy or any other treatment when it comes to treating SAD.

