Breast Cancer Risk Reduced with Estrogen Only HRT Is It True

Breast Cancer Risk Reduced with Estrogen-Only HRT – Is It True?

A study from Lancet Oncology that examined data from Women's Health Initiative (WHI) said that when estrogen is used alone, then it is not...
Make Your Weight Loss Resolution Work with Dr. Oz’s Day Off Diet

Make Your Weight Loss Resolution Work with Dr. Oz’s Day-Off Diet

Have you ever made a resolution to lose weight and tried everything possible to make your life healthier by getting rid of that extra...
Sadhgurus Take on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Sadhguru’s Take on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Number of children getting affected with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is on the rise. In fact, even adults...
Toxins You Can Avoid by Going Organic

Toxins You Can Avoid by Going Organic

These days, people choose wild fish and organic meats over the ones that are grown using antibiotics and hormones, and fed with genetically engineered...
Wellness Movement - A-New Approach to Stay Healthy

Wellness Movement – A New Approach to Stay Healthy

Until now, the best approach to stay healthy was thought to be preventive in nature, entailing the need of minimizing risk related to smoking,...
Know How a Fruit Diet Can Benefit You and the Planet

Know How a Fruit Diet Can Benefit You and the Planet

Sadhguru has many a times stressed that our psychological situation can be significantly influenced by what we consume. Medical science also backs the fact...
Dr. Phil Shares Some Signs of OCD to Watch Out For

Dr. Phil Shares Some Signs of OCD to Watch Out For

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a chronic disorder in which a person gets occupied with thoughts that reoccur and cannot be controlled. people suffering...
Simple Ways to Get Rid of Blackheads

Simple Ways to Get Rid of Blackheads

Blackheads is one of the frustrating types of breakouts as they are very difficult to treat. However, knowing what blackheads are and what type...
Boost Your Chances of Getting Pregnant with These Simple Tips

Boost Your Chances of Getting Pregnant with These Simple Tips

To optimize the chances of getting pregnant is a concern of nearly every woman. They try everything to increase their chances of getting pregnant....
Purposeful Parenting Expert Advice on Creating a Phenomenal Family

Purposeful Parenting – Expert Advice on Creating a Phenomenal Family

Parenting is an important part of your life as it helps your children excel in life. No one is born a good parent, it...
Enhance Your Sleep with These Simple Tips

Enhance Your Sleep with These Simple Tips

In this blog, Kimberly Snyder talks about enhancing sleep which is important for our health and wellness. It is not only about what we...
Healthful Aloe Vera Smoothie for Body Detox by Kimberly Snyder

Healthful Aloe Vera Smoothie for Body Detox by Kimberly Snyder

Kimberly Snyder has always been a staunch proponent of detoxification and thus, from time to time, she keeps on sharing various tips and ways...
How Alzheimers Disease Can Be Avoided with Estrogen

How Alzheimer’s Disease Can Be Avoided with Estrogen?

Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disease which destroys memory and thinking skills. The symptoms of the disease are critical enough to interfere with your...
Some Handy Tips to Reduce Inflammation by Kimberly Snyder

Some Handy Tips to Reduce Inflammation by Kimberly Snyder

In general, inflammation is our body’s response to hazardous stimuli, including irritants, damaged cells or infections. The response is although protective in nature, which...

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