Dr. Harold Lancer

Dr. Harold Lancer is a celebrity dermatologist and with his three-decades of practice in the field, he has now become the authority on glowing, youthful-looking skin. He is the man behind the Lancer Glow products. With his firm determination, hard work, strong work ethics and remarkable results, he has become one of the most in-demand dermatologist in the world. The list of his patients includes some of the most glamorous celebrities around the world. Read More...

How Does Vitamin C Help Your Skin

How Does Vitamin C Help Your Skin

We all know that vitamin C is great for our body. So, you may already be eating foods rich in this vitamin. When you...
Dr. Lancer on Treating Keratosis Pilaris

Dr. Lancer on Treating Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis pilaris is a harmless condition of the skin in which small and hard bumps appear on the skin, making the skin feel like...
Dr. Harold Lancer Explains Why Manual Exfoliation Is Important

Dr. Harold Lancer Explains Why Manual Exfoliation Is Important

People have their own specific bedtime routine. Usually it begins with a T.V. show, followed by getting their teeth brushed and eventually, moving back...

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