Is the terror of anticipation overpowering the impact of the ultimate COVID-19 bang?


This is what a normal day in the life of an average Earthling stuck in quarantine sounds like – you wake up with a sigh of doom and disappointment, your morning lacks the usual zing, you are not getting ready to leave for work anymore, the morning coffee isn’t anywhere close to what it used to be, you immerse yourself in mobile screens and keyboard clicks; only Netflix, no chill; only Apple, no innovation; and only life but no fun.

Constantly surrounded by the chatter of the COVID-19, a number of cases crossing millions, still no vaccine to be found, debilitating economic conditions, global recession right down the corner, but still nothing to be cheerful about. You see the whole day pass by like a high-speed train at a boring train station, you end up eating three meals a day with no significant physical activity to make you feel light and energetic, then finally you decide to move from the couch to the bed at night thinking that next-day might be better, but guess what you have trouble sleeping because you can’t stop thinking about the novel Coronavirus.

Recognizing COVID-19 as a mental disaster
recognizing mental problems

Pandemics like the coronavirus are not just medical emergencies that attack our physical strength, they also destruct the normal way of our lives. They throw off every big or small plan that we have for ourselves, completely disrupting every kind of progressive advancement, personal or professional.

You are constantly surrounded by a discomforting vibe of spook that beat the daylights out of your plans of weekday meeting, weekend picnics, planned celebrations, holidays and even the birth of your first child. Great and small, every life plan is derailed because of the consistent spread of the virus, and this consistent failure to not have the privilege of moving on with our usual life is having a severe psychological impact on your mental state.

Hence, it’s extremely crucial to understand the different ways in which coronavirus impacts our lives:

1. Horrors of another pandemic, if you have also experienced other pandemics in the past.
2. The constant fear of going unemployed and bankrupt
3. Constantly worried about the well-being of your family and your loved ones.
4. Increased self-isolation paving way more elevated sense of loneliness and depression.
5. Not being able to step out of the house because of fear
6. Humiliation and stigmatizing of the individuals who are suffering from symptoms of the COVID-19
7. Obsession towards hoarding medicines, food, sanitizers and even face masks.
8. Mentally drained due to a constant state of paranoia and panic
9. Medical professionals getting fatigued due to their 24*7 hospital shifts.

Need for a solution

It’s unfortunate how we are so consumed and scared about the medical aftermath of the COVID-19 that we are completely turning a blind eye towards its massive impact on our mental performance and productivity. If you are a citizen of the planet Earth, then chances are that your daily routine looks exactly like what we have explained above. The coronavirus has forced us to stay locked inside our homes for an indefinite period of time, shooting our sprits down much before it can actually hurt us physically.

The impact of the virus is as horrific on our mental senses as on our physical health, and this certainly is not the time we disregard the importance of a healthy mental state.

A significant portion of the world population is facing the risk of losing their financial support, an overwhelming notion that infuses a high level of stress receptors in the minds of these people. Facing the pressure of an uncertain future and risk of going broke is consistently discomforting people and they are in dire need of an immediate solution.

The world united against COVID-19
world united against covid 19

Even though the situation around the world is unbelievingly grisly and difficult, there is no denying in the fact that the world will be able to get over this. A change might not come immediately but it will certainly happen. Medical institutions and researchers around the world are looking for a cure to the virus and with different countries pooling their medical facilities together to fight unitedly against the common enemy point towards a hopeful future that will eventually happen with the combined effort of the each and all.

Although, no matter how much we rue this microscopic agent of destruction and chaos we all should also be, in a twisted sense of the world, thankful to the virus for making us realize the power of unity and harmony. This common enemy has done what the hundreds of roundtables meetings for peacekeeping by UN like authorities were never able to achieve, it has been successful in bringing together friends, enemies, neutrals and everybody else on the board to work in the direction of global healthcare and safety.

We have seen that rapid decision making and premature entire nation lockdown has been the single most effective way of containing the pandemic. There is a lot that is going right and adding in the process of repairing, however, if you scroll down a twitter or a Facebook page, you end up having mental breakdown which creates panic and anxiety.

Social media platforms are filled with a zillion number of fake news, conspiracy theories, and misinformation, you will more junk than a kitchen dustbin in a social media feed. Online miscreants are trying their best to sanitize the world order by stimulating hateful propaganda against people from specific ethnicity and culture.

Henceforth, it is strongly advisable to filter out the junk and consume positive content that stamps true the notion of world unity and harmony, rather than disrupting the peace order.

Instead, of staying worried and disturbed, you can work out a routine plan for yourself, that will allow you to stay clear of any kind of stress by taking your mind away from the virus. Use your free time constructively, strive for self- betterment and invest in yourself so that the planet would get a better citizen once it decides to open again.