
Reasons for Hair Loss – Know It!

Reasons for Hair Loss – Know It!

Hair is an important aspect of our persona and no one wants to lose it. But, do you know, losing hair is a natural phenomenon! An individual on an average loses almost 50 to 100 hair strands a day. New hair grows in place of the lost ones, and this cycle continues throughout the life. As a matter of fact, human hair grows smoothly during adolescence and the growth is constant up to 7 years after the onset of adolescence. Human hair is at its healthiest and most attractive state during this phase of life.

Hair loss occurs when hair follicles start to age. A little hair thinning is natural as it occurs when productivity of the follicles begins to decrease with age. Hair loss can be temporary or permanent. Permanent hair loss is caused by genetic factors and it is irreversible.

Besides normal aging, various other factors can lead to hair loss like hormonal imbalance, stress, over-styling, severe illness, drugs, poor diet and many more. This indicates that premature hair loss can affect anyone and at any stage of life. Moreover, it is a general observation that people tend to devote less time and resources for hair care as they reach their 30s. This can also exacerbate the condition if a person is already experiencing hair loss.

Hair loss is often distressing and may hamper the quality of life of both the sexes. Generally, in men hair loss results in baldness and in women, it leads to hair thinning. According to several studies, hair loss is found as one of the major reasons for depression and anxiety and vice versa. While it doesn’t affect everyone, those, who are affected end up being depressed or hopeless about their condition.


Depending on the causative factors of hair loss, natural as well as medical treatments are available to prevent or manage hair loss.

Reasons for Hair Loss

Listed below are some common reasons that could lead to hair loss:


Broadly, hair loss is just another sign of aging. The growth rate as well as strength of the hair decreases as a person age. This leads to gradual thinning of hair. Aging also cause androgenic alopecia, commonly known as male and female pattern baldness. After the age of 40, pattern baldness starts to occur. In the 60s, a person starts experiencing significant hair thinning or baldness. In women, the rate of hair growth decreases considerably after menopause.


During and after pregnancy, multiple changes occur in a female body at hormonal level. This causes temporary hair loss until 4 months after childbirth.


If you have a family history of baldness or hair loss, then you are more prone to have it too! There is no direct cure for hereditary baldness, but hair loss can be delayed with specific treatments.


Stress is also known to a probable reason for hair loss:


A healthy diet can prevent as well as help you manage any kind of health condition. Similarly, a poor diet can lead to various disorders or may aggravate a medical condition.

Over-Styling and Use of Cosmetics:

Exposing hair to any harsh condition might lead to hair loss.

Hormonal Imbalance:

Hormonal imbalance can occur in both males and females that may result in hair loss.


Health Conditions:

If you are suffering from conditions like hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, hypopituitarism or you have anemia, this may lead to hair loss.

9. Medications and Treatments:

These may include the following:

Scalp Infections:

Skin conditions, such as dandruff, psoriasis, & ringworms can cause hair Loss. These conditions lead to scalp inflammation and itching.

Over-Reaction of Immune System:

If your immune system does not respond effectively against viruses or bacteria, it may lead to rashes or infection. Autoimmune-related hair loss is known to affect almost 6.8 million people in the US. In this condition, people experience hair fall in small patches.

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