Revealing the Truth about Weight Gain: Kimberly Snyder Busting the Myths About ‘Fat’ and ‘Sugar’

Revealing the Truth about Weight Gain: Kimberly Snyder Busting the Myths About 'Fat' and 'Sugar'

There seems to be a lot of confusion among people regarding the relation between weight gain and consumption of fat and sugar. These two food components are also thought to be associated with bloating, a common problem nowadays. It is a condition in which a person feel like having an extended abdomen after eating. Bloating causes an illusion that a person has gained excessive weight. People often get confused between what has caused bloating, is it ‘sugar’ or is it because of ‘fat’ in their diet. Gradually, this confusion between what causes bloating in people, either fat or sugar, has become a debate topic.

Over the time, refined sugars and carbohydrates have gained the image of an unhealthy food that can cause excessive weight gain, while some people believe that it is the amount of fat in their diet what causes weight gain. Moreover, this debate is the reason why people get confused between what food should they eat and what they shouldn’t. So, what’s the reality? Kimberly Snyder says that both sugar and fat in high amount are harmful for health.

She further reveals the realities of various myths about fat and sugar, i.e.:

Myth 1: Sugar causes weight gain because it increases the level of blood sugar

Busting this myth, Kimberly said that not all sugar cause weight gain. If a person says that all sugar is responsible for causing bloating and weight gain in people, then they generally forget about natural sugar found in fruits. Yes, fruits not only contain essential vitamins, minerals, and fibers, but they also contain sugar.

But, is it harmful? The answer is no. Natural sugar isn’t harmful. What harmful sugar is the processed refined sugar that is added to various junk foods. People often start avoiding fruits in order to limit their sugar consumption, but this is where they go wrong. The sugar content of the fruits isn’t harmful, rather they are a rich source of fibers that helps in feeling full while promoting weight loss.

Also, a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition stated that consuming high amount of fruits is helpful for losing weight over the course of a year.[Source]

Myth 2: Carbs promotes the production of insulin; thus they are responsible for bloating and fat storage in body

Many people on a diet plan believes that carbs are responsible for excessive weight gain and that’s why they limit their intake. They often explain the reason for cutting carbs by saying that they trigger the levels of insulin and leads to excessive weight gain.

However, not all carbs cause bloating and weight gain. Various scientific trials have proven that limiting their consumption by following ketogenic or low-carb diet doesn’t affect weight gain. But, their limited consumption affects the energy levels of body and overall mood of a person.

So, what makes the difference? Kimberly says that the quality and amount of carbs that a person is consuming affect weight gain. To be precise, carbs from lentils, chickpeas, and other legumes are healthier than those found in a processed white bread.

Myth 3: Fats in Foods Can Make a Person Fat

This sounds convincing, as when the word ‘Fats’ comes to light, the first thing a person thinks about is belly fat and bloating. But, is this true? Are fats in food responsible for making a person fat? Well, the answer is no. Not all fats contribute to weight gain. Instead, if a person consumes monosaturated healthy fats from foods like avocados, nuts, and olives, they can contribute to their overall health.

Also, in a Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study that followed about 135,000 adults from over 18 countries and recorded their eating habits. The research concluded that people, who consumed large amount of dietary fats, i.e., about 35% of their daily diet, were less likely have died during the study duration as compared to the people with low fat intake, i.e., about 10% of their daily diet.

Kimberly says that healthy fats cause no harm. But, if a person consumes unhealthy processed fats such as trans-fats (generally found in junk foods), or animal-based saturated fats (generally found in processed meats and dairy products), they can cause damage to their body and trigger inflammation and excessive weight gain.

Hence, we can conclude by saying that consuming a moderate amount healthy carbs, sugar or fat in limit is not harmful for body and does not contribute to weight gain. But, when consumed in excess amount, or in the processed form, they can be harmful for body and can cause excessive weight gain.