Cenogen Ultra Side Effects – Causes and Effects


Category: Iron products, Vitamin and mineral combinations

Drug Name: Cenogen Ultra

General Usage: Iron products, Vitamin and mineral combinations

Brief Info about Cenogen Ultra in Drug:

Generic name of this drug is Prenatal Multivitamins. It is sold under some brand names like Cavan Folate, Complete Natal DHA, Cavan One, CitraNatal Rx, Co Natal FA, Concept OB, Cenogen Ultra, Cavan-Heme OB, CompleteNate, Complete-RF, Bright Beginnings etc.

Cenogen is a mixture of several different vitamins that are generally present in natural sources & foods. 

This drug is used to give some extra vitamins required during pregnancy. Prenatal Multivitamins may contain traces of minerals.

Cenogen Ultra Side Effects Explained Better:

Side effect of medicines is a bitter fact. Alas!!!! We people are helpless but to withstand them.  Actually, diseases beget new medicines. These drugs may either be pernicious to body or have no impact on health. In fact, occurrences of unwanted effects reliant on your way of living, sex, age or uses of different drugs besides prenatal multivitamin. But don’t worry, doctors are there to help stamp out negative effects of a medicine. It is necessary for you to visit your doctor.


Adverse effects caused by overdose, prolonged use of medicines & overdose are given below with frequent & infrequent side effects.

Frequent Cenogen Ultra Side Effects (Commonly Seen)-

Prenatal Multivitamin will not cause any serious side effects when consumed as directed by a doctor. If these side effects continue for a long period of time, you must notify your doctor at once. 

Serious side effects are as follows- 

• Unpleasant or strange taste in your mouth

• Upset stomachSide Effects

• Headache

Infrequent Cenogen Ultra Side Effects (Professional Point of View)-

Symptoms of allergic reaction-

• Swelling of your face, throat lips or tongue

• Hives

• Difficulty breathing

These side effects are rarely seen in few patients. If medical assistance is not taken on time once you start feeling signs of allergic reactions, situation may be out of control. So, get medical aid the sooner the better as you notice these unpleasant side effects.

Cenogen Ultra Overdose Side Effects (Require Immediate Medical Attention)-

An overdose of vitamins A, K, E or D, can cause serious or life-threatening adverse effects & can also kill your unborn baby. Certain minerals found in a prenatal multivitamin may also kick up serious overdose symptoms if you take more of it.


Overdose symptoms may include-

• Vomiting

• Constipation

• Loss of appetite

• Diarrhea

• Tingly feeling around or in your mouth

• Hair loss

• Peeling skin

• Weight loss

• Stomach pain

• Severe back pain

• Changes in menstrual periods

• Severe headache

• Joint or muscle pain

• Pale skin

• Easy bleeding or bruising 

• Blood in your urine

Cenogen Ultra Drug Interaction Side Effects (Due to Reaction with Other drugs)-

Vitamins & minerals contained in Cenogen Ultra are capable of interacting with other medicines results in new, unwanted, life-threatening effects that affect our body.

Inform your doctor if you are having particularly any of these medicines- 

• Blood pressure or heart medications

• Trimethoprim & sulfamethoxazole (cotrim, gantanol, septra)

• Diuretics or water pills

• Tretinoin (vesanoid)

• Isotretinoin (accutane, amnesteen, sotret)

This above-mentioned list does not contain all medicines that can interact with the prenatal multivitamin.

Cenogen Ultra Prolonged Use Side Effects (When Used for Longer Periods)-

Cenogen can cause serious or life-threatening adverse effects if consumed for a long period of time. Do not take this medication for a long time than prescribed by your doctor or directed on the label.
Before having prenatal multivitamins, let your doctor know about all of your medical conditions.