Cymbalta – Information, Uses, Side Effects and Dosage

duloxetine hydrochloride

Drug trade name: Cymbalta

Category:  Antidepressants

Generic name: Duloxetine hydrochloride

Introduction and quick information:

Cymbalta is a non-narcotic and non-NSAID pain reliever that has to be administered orally. Cymbalta influences neurotransmitters; these chemicals may become unbalanced leading to depression. Neurotransmitters send signals from neurons to the brain.

This can be recommended by your physical advisor for treatment of nerve pain caused due to diabetes, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis or for lower back pain.

Initially, when you start taking medicine you might have suicidal thoughts, and it is usually more frequent in youngsters below 24 years. So, when you start taking Cymbalta don’t forget to consult your medical advisor on a regular basis.

Is it approved by FDA?

Yes, Cymbalta was approved by FDA in 2004 for diabetic Neuropathy and in 2007 for generalized anxiety disorder in 2007. In 2008 FDA gave approval for Fibromyalgia and in 2010 for chronic pain.

Usage and Benefits of Cymbalta:

  • For treating Depression:

Cymbalta successfully helps individuals with depression but it takes some weeks before it starts working.  Depression brings the state of dejection in the mood. Along with medication counseling, mental therapy is also used when a person reaches its acute stage.

  • For treatment of Diabetic Neuropathy:

Cymbalta can be used for treating pain caused due to diabetic neuropathy. Though, it does not slows down the nerve damage but it lowers down the pain. Diabetic Neuropathy is caused due to uncontrolled diabetes and shows symptoms like excessive pain and numbness in feet, legs, arms or hands.

  • For treating Generalized Anxiety disorder

Generalized Anxiety Disorder is characterized by excessive worries or stress about routine chores.   Cymbalta is the approved medication to treat this anxiety disorder.

  • For treating Fibromyalgia

Cymbalta effectively treats pain caused due to this disease. This disorder causes  exhaustion and muscular pain.

Side effects of Cymbalta

  • Stiff muscles
  • Agitation
  • Nausea
  • Pain while passing urine
  • Unusual bleeding
  • Difficulty in concentration
  • Weakness
  • Uneven heartbeats
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Memorizing issues
  • Skin rashes
  • Mood or behavioral changes
  • Swelling of lips, throat, face or tongue.

Immediately a physician / doctor should be consulted if you notice any of these symptoms during medication of Cymbalta.

General recommended dosages of Cymbalta:

Cymbalta should be taken according to the prescribed dosage by your medical advisor. The instructions given on the label should be strictly followed.

It should be swallowed as a whole. You should not chew, break or crush the capsule.

It can be taken with or without food.

In case I miss the Dose?

Missed dose should be taken as soon as you realize it. However, you can skip the dose if time for the next scheduled dose is close. Doubling the advised dose on your own can be hazardous to your health.

In case I take overdose?

Overdosing can lead to harmful effects on your body. Immediately call your doctor or medical practitioner in case of any of the symptoms like fainting, fast heart rate or diarrhea.

Drug interactions of Cymbalta:

This medicine should be avoided if recently you have discontinued the intake of Mellaril. You should start taking cymbalta only after 15 days gap from the date of discontinuing mellaril or any other drug which has MAO inhibitor. It should also be avoided if you have glaucoma. This combination can prove to be fatal for the body which can even lead to coma. Cymbalta should not be taken in combination with antipsychotics or any other medicine that influences brain.

Furthermore, you must inform your physician if you have any of the below mentioned disease or conditions:

  • Liver issues
  • Epilepsy
  • Related to Kidney
  • Blood clotting disorder
  • History of drug abuse or suicidal thoughts

You are supposed to inform your doctor about all the medicines you are on, when you start taking this drug and that also includes vitamins, supplements and non prescribed medicine.

Life style and food habits you must follow when on Cymblata:

While taking Cymbalta, alcohol should not be consumed. It can lead to severe liver damage. Caffeine on the other hand can lead to high blood pressure and increase the side effects of DULoxetine like nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, drowsiness, constipation,etc.

How safe is Cymbalta for pregnant women or Nursing mothers?

Before starting any medication during pregnancy you are supposed to tell your doctor. Cymbalta may cause harm to newborn babies. This drug can pass into breast milk and it may be harmful for nursing babies. Breast feeding should be strictly avoided during the regime of cymbalta.

Complications and Conditions possible due to prolonged use of Cymbalta

Prolonged usage of cymbalta makes your body accustomed to this drug. People who suddenly stop taking Cymbalta, various degrees of symptoms are seen. So if you wish to discontinue this medicine take advice from your doctor.

Availability of the drug Cymbalta:

Cymbalta can be taken only through doctor’s prescription. This is not an over-the-counter drug.