Dr. Mehmet Oz

Dr. Oz’s Nutrition Guide: Three Essential Nutrients to Add to Your Diet

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) evaluates and records the nutritional intake of the Americans. It also reports the recorded data highlighting the nutrients that people need more of. In their second nutrition report, they reported that most of the Americans are consuming a well-balanced, nutrition-rich diet. However, some people still need to add some more nutrients to their diets.

Dr. Oz, in his blog, emphasizes on three essential nutrients that can fulfill the nutritional needs of a body. He also discusses people, who need to consume these nutrients. Nevertheless, he always advises to consult a physician before making any changes to the diet.

He writes, “Before overhauling your diet or reaching for supplements, discuss your personal diet and lifestyle habits, along with any symptoms you may have with a physician to avoid any excess nutrient consumption, which can be just as harmful as a nutrient deficiency.”

The nutrients recommended by Dr. Oz are as follows:


  • Iron

    Iron helps the body in the development of tissues, blood, and hormones in and provides oxygen to red blood cells (RBCs) to keep them oxygenated. CDC reports, “Mexican-American and non-Hispanic Black women [were found to be] two times more likely to have a low level of iron than non-Hispanic White women.”

    Some of the foods that are rich in iron include fish, lean meats, poultry, legumes and dark green vegetables. Also, it is essential for pregnant women to consume an effective amount of iron or take iron supplements that can help them fulfill the body’s requirement of iron and protect them from iron-deficiency anemia.

  • Vitamin D

    It is an essential nutrient that helps in making the bones healthier and can promote strengthening of muscles. Moreover, it is also known to be effective in the prevention of health conditions like diabetes (type-2) and cancer. According to CDC’s report, “over 30 percent of non-Hispanic blacks have low levels of Vitamin D, despite greater bone density and fewer fractures”

    There are various foods that can provide an effective amount of vitamin-D to a person’s body. These include salmon, mushroom, egg yolk, etc.

  • Iodine

    It helps regulate thyroid hormone in the body and plays a vital role in the growth and development of an individual. In its report, CDC mentions, “Women age 20 to 39 – those most likely to become pregnant – have lower iodine level than any age group, bordering on insufficiency.”

    One of the best ways to fulfill the body’s requirement of iodine is to use iodized salt. Besides iodized salt, there are various natural products, such as salmon, grains and a variety of dairy products that also provide an appropriate amount of iodine to the body.

Peter D. Griffin

A post graduate in health journalism, Peter is a full-time journalist with a leading health magazine. In the free time, he likes to read and write about medical research, health issues, drug discoveries and related topics.

Published by
Peter D. Griffin

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